
Would you rather Die for your country, or Accept less freedom and live? Why/why not?

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Would you rather Die for your country, or Accept less freedom and live? Why/why not?




  1. i dont get why so many people think its a good thing to die for your country. dieing for your country is jsut a loss for you and your country. your supposed to make the other dumb b*****d die for his country so you can continue to fight. the men who die are were the bravest of all of the ones that lived and the ones that lived to fight another day were the ones that made sure we kept our freedom intact so the ones that died wouldnt of died for nothing

    if my country gave me the call i would gladly fight for her.

  2. The problem with the notion of dying for one's country is that all too often those willing to make that sacrifice do little more than die for a bunch of political hacks, their connected friends, and some ill conceived idea of national interests.

    Is there no greater loss of freedom than death?

    That much said, I'd rather die for my honor, then die for some effete politico who hasn't the guts to to stand in harms way.

  3. Neither This country has screwed me to many times for me to ever want to fight for it again.I was in vietnam and wised up fast.

  4. Si Vic Pacem Para Bellum / If you want Peace prepare for War

    Live Free or Die Trying!


  5. I'd lay my life down in an instant.

    And that's knowing fully well that there's complete and total morons out there that have no respect for the thousands of men and women who have died for this country on foreign soil. I've read some of the responses here, and the complete and total disrespect for America is quite appalling.  

    You don't have to be willing to die for your country, but to openly say you hate America, or don't love it, or won't support it -- you know what? Let me be the first to hold the door open and wish you well.... Because I for one don't want your stupid *** living here..

  6. Ahhh... good question.    I can only answer it by asking for clarification.

    Which freedoms, exactly are you talking about giving up?  Our freedom to vote, to attend school and make of ourselves whatever we can?  The freedom of speech perhaps?  The freedom to worship (or not) as I choose?  The freedom to associate with whoever I want (or not)??  The freedom from unwarranted search and seizure?  The freedom from being punished for a crime unproven?  Maybe the freedoms provided by Title IX, which mandates equal treatment under the law for all who live here?  (Not just all who are citizens, but all who live here!!)  

    Which of those do you think I should be willing to give up, in order to avoid dying with honor, in service to the country that has bled and died for 232 years to provide those freedoms for me?

  7. I'd die for a country I believe in.  I think there is dignity and honor is dying for your country.  I  may reconsider though if we became the  politically correct, socialist nation that we will become if Obama becomes president.

  8. Accepting less freedom leads to accepting less until you have none so might as well fight and die and get it over with quick.

  9. as Gunny C says i will die for freedom than live under the thumb of non freedom

  10. well, let's see....  how much less freedom? I served in the Navy for 20 years..... and I can tell you, I had allot less freedom then you'll ever know. People in prison live better than 75% of the men and women in uniform. yet we serve. It's not about dying, it's about standing up for something that's bigger than one person, or a group. if you don't believe in something, what good are you? I served thru 4 presidents. They all do things the public doesn't like, but we still serve. Republican or democrat... they all did things SOMEBODY didn't/won't like. But when it comes down to it, do you like your freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to ..... (fill in the blank) (well, if you're american anyways) then thank the people who are willing to stand up, and who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. there aren't many people who will do that. the U.S. has nearly 300 million people, yet only approx. 3 million VOLUNTEER to serve. So in finishing.... in the immortal words of William Wallace......."FREEEEEEEEEEEDOOOOOOOMMMM...

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