
Would you rather- End hunger or hatred?

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  1. Hunger- Without hatred life would be boring.

  2. hatred, because hatred brings about conflict, which draws the attention of third world governments more than the hunger of it people. removing the hatred would remove the conflict, which would let the governments put their resourses into sorting out its peoples hunger.

    in short, hatred, because if you dig deep enough, it is the hatred that causes the hunger, and therefore by removing the hatred you also remove the hunger.

  3. I belive them to be one in the same. If we stop hateing each other, we'll start feeding each other.

  4. I would rather end hatred because hatred is the root of all evil :)

  5. hatred

  6. hatred, because then the world community filled with good ol' brotherly love could unite and end hunger with their efforts.

  7. I've been hungry.  I hated it.  I'm sure others do as well.  If we could only end hatred, the hungry wouldn't get upset about it.

  8. End hatred!

  9. ending hatred would lead to ending hunger

  10. They are very much related.  We already produce enough food to feed everyone on the planet its just that greedy people are hoarding it / using a disproportional amount of it / wasting it.  If we truly loved our fellow humans we would find a better way to share the world's resources.  The problems are intertwined.

  11. Hunger...I'm not sure that ending hatred would end hunger.  I know plenty of people who don't *hate* people living in poverty in other countries and this one (USA) and yet still don't take the time to donate food and/or money.

  12. On the contrary - It would have to be hunger. You can not end hatred which is a symptom of 'hunger'(which is the cause). In many parts of the world there is deep hatred b/c simply put people are starving & dying as a result.

    How would you end the hatred when the cause of that hatred is 'Hunger' in the first place.

    Hatred is a symptom of many underlying causes such as hunger, poverty, corruption, lack of freedom, clash of cultures ie religion etc. So unless people are free, unless corruption is eliminated, unless there is religious tolerance, unless there is respect for each other - there simply is NO way to end hatred.

  13. Simple - End hatred and you will end hunger.

  14. When there is hunger there will be a lot of hatred and chaos. So I would choose to end up hunger, As survival will never give a lot of strife to human lives. There will be not a lot of misery or hatred, Only if hunger will be relieved in the world.

  15. Hatred babe!!!!

  16. If we ended hatred, that would end hunger. No one would hate each other. We would all be nice. Nice enough to share our crops with the hungry people.

  17. hatred:)

  18. Hatred bc then nobody wld b hungry bc evry one wld care nd that wld solve 2 problems all n 1!

  19. Both, but the most damaging and the root of both is FEAR.

    This realization became very real for me when I took up snorkeling as exercise about a month ago in a 2 mile long river I wasn't familiar with. This river had a slightly strong current with quickly alternating deep and shallow areas.

    I was often in moments of panic leading to utter exhaustion fighting to reach shallow areas because I didn't KNOW where the current was taking me. It soon dawned on me I was going to drown from this exhaustion if I didn't do something to stop this fight or flight response from kicking in. It seems like an involuntary bodily response much like breathing that just takes control and overwhelms you. You can't talk yourself out of it.

    Since it was a crystal clear spring fed river I could see with my face mask the depth changes and decided to relax and float with the currents until I became familiar with where they were and observe carefully all the whirlpools created by the current bouncing off rock walls that caused swimming to become so laborious. I don't think I could've done this if the water was murky where I couldn't see the bottom.

    The one thing that blew my mind about this experience was that I found I was more exhausted from the anxiety, dread and worry caused by my fight or flight response than I was fighting the current.

    Once I became familiar with the areas of the river and watched how the currents flowed and where all the knee busting rocks were located, no more fear and no more exhaustion. I could pound my fist and legs as hard and long as I wanted into the water swimming against the current without tiring, but once I became AFRAID my energy level plummeted. I now swim the entire 2 miles without any problem. I throw myself into swift rapids because I KNOW where the rocks are so I have no fear of hitting them.

    I now sometimes sit on the banks of this river in areas that caused me the most fear watching the tourists go through the same thing I did only to become so exhausted they had to shout for assistance only to find their footing by drifting a few feet. They'ld be left sitting on the bank of the river huffing and puffing from total exhaustion for nearly 15 minutes just like I did.

    This simple life observation taught me volumes about the power of fear I wasn't aware of until now.

    Fear in all its forms is the root of all evil in the world except for serial killers. I don't know what the h**l their problem is.

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