
Would you rather- Have a kangaroo or koala as your pet?

by  |  earlier

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  1. omg a kangaroo!

  2. Koala, cause they're cuter and they won't punch you in the face.

  3. kangaroos **** and kick to much, koolas are nice and peacfull, they are both almost extinct though

  4. Kangaroos can be used as a transportation system, everyone should get one (O_o)

  5. Koala!  They are cute and smell like euycalptis.   I hear those things are vicious though....  i'll just stick with my puppies :)

  6. A lot of people in my area have pet kangaroos and wallabies. These animals are generally like giant rabbits. They can be housed in outdoor pens and can be very friendly. Our rescue had a wallaby once.

    I would not like to have a koala, simply because they only eat eucalyptus leaves and feeding it would be ridiculously expensive.

  7. Kangaroos of course! *hop, hop*  : D

  8. Aww maybe a kangaroo! I would have both if that was an option.

  9. A small species of kangaroo, such as the Grey Kangaroo. Or a Swamp Wallaby, like this little guy here:

  10. koala!

    they look adorable =p

    help me?



  11. I would like to be your pet. lol

  12. kangaroo, they seem more friendly and nice and koalas are actually really visious

  13. i would like a kangaroo so i could get into his pouch and we could jump around all day,great fun dont ya think.x

  14. Kangaroo! More fun :D

  15. Koala. There SO huggable!!!!!!! <3

  16. Koala, a kangaroo can beat you up.  I'm sure a koala could too, but they seem more cuddly.

  17. Koala. They r smaller and cuter. Plus kangaroos might kick you. While koalas just look at you with their cute little faces.


  18. koala

    they cuddle more



  19. I'd rather have a big dog.

  20. koala

  21. kangaroo

  22. Kangaroo.

    My friend used to have one. It was so awesome. =]


  23. omg definitewly kangaroo i would put my baby cousin in the pouch haha how mean am i??

  24. Kangaroos are not pets, they are wild animals.

    Koalas are not pets, they are wild animals.

  25. DUH! Koala!!! They're the best animals ever! I love them!! Well, first of all, they're smaller and therefore easy to take care of. But they need eucalyptus leaves, and plenty of sleep. However, water isn't necesary, because they get the water they need from the leaves. And, you barely have to pay any attention to them at all because they sleep 20 hours a day. Also, they are marsupials (that maens they have pouches), too and you won't get anything from them that you wouldn't get from a kangaroo.

  26. koala-- they are much cuter :)

  27. Kangaroo.. They are cuter..

  28. id rather have a kangeroo!

    -Little Angel!

  29. koala :) there cute and cuddly

  30. kangaroo kick your butt. kangaroo box champ. joey kick mayweather butt. prez say so.

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