
Would you rather- be a demon or a vampire ?

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  1. vampire

  2. an angel

  3. I want to kiss your neck sweetheart,after all i am a vampire. lol

  4. vampire caues they are shmexxxy

  5. Vampire!

    Definately, no doubt.

    All the vampires I've read about are s**y, and mysterious

    Like Edward Cullen

    everyone who is anyone has read that book

    Plus, I would love to live forever

  6. a vampire, cause theyre hot?

  7. A vampire, demons are way more evil. Vampires can be cool, like Blade.

  8. demon, vampire, satan, devil, etc.  are invented by all religions of the world for making money from innocent uneducated people.One billion Indians are under the spell of such foolish assumptions in additions to billions of people all around the world. The time has come to remove such foolish assumptions from the minds of humanity  as a whole. People must be people, not demon or vampire!

  9. vampire, demons have to answer to satan

  10. A demon. They look cooler. The whole Satan thing would kind of suck, though...

  11. Vampire, I mean getting to suck on the necks of beautiful women, that would be nice, oh and live forever. =)

  12. demon, a vampire needs to feed and is bound by physical laws...a demon isn't, plus no bodies drained of blood left behind which means less attention

  13. Hmm.

    Probably a vampire... as a demon would probably spend it's time tormenting people. A vampire kind of has the option of whether or not they want to torture people. Plus, they're kind of romantic... in a sick, twisted way. =)

  14. WELL, let me tell you. Im a paranormal investigator in training, and a real vampire is a blood drinking demon that possesses a dead body. So if I could be one, id pick demon coz if i get the blood drinking curse, then im both a vamp and a demon at the same time.

  15. Vampire.. like Vlad the impaler... yummy or so i could do Lastate.. OMG

  16. Let's see, would I want to be expelled from the Kingdom of God forever, or expelled from the Kingdom of God forever and forced to walk around in a rotting corpse.

    Hmm. Tough call. Good thing neither exist.

  17. Vampire, theyre mysterious n s**y...demons are...harsh i guess.

  18. I'd have to say a vampire.  They can at least interact with the human world.  Demons have to be summoned and are bound in service to their master.  That doesn't sound appealing.

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