
Would you rather be a lefty or righty if you played baseball?

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seems like most would rather be lefties, i know i would rather be a lefty then a righty.

is that true with you?




  1. Lefty hitter and righty fielder.  Being a left handed hitter automatically gives you a head start to first base.  Being right handed in the field would allow me to play any position.  A lefty can't play second base because he wouldn't be able to make the pivot and throw to first on a DP ball.  If I were a pitcher, I'd want to be a lefty.  It's much harder to take second off a lefty than a righty.  

  2. I've always been righty, but it would be cool to be a lefty.  

  3. It isnt really a choice.

  4. Its not that color

  5. I am a lefty and always enjoyed it while playing baseball. The only disadvantage to being a lefty is that you can't play certain defensive positions like catcher, SS, 2B or 3B. But as a hitter you have an advantage since most pitchers are right handed.

  6. i personally would rather be a lefty because u see more right handed pitchers than left handers

  7. I'd rather be a lefty hitter and a righty pitcher.

    There are more righty pitchers so being a lefty hitter, I get the advantage.

    There are more righty hitters so being a right pitcher, I get the advange.  

  8. i throw right handed but bat left handed

  9. i would rather be a lefty because there is less lefty pitchers

  10. I love playing second base and shortstop so I'd hate to be a lefty.  

  11. definetly i would rather be a lefty

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