
Would you rather be a man or a woman?

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if you had the choice, would you have wanted to be born a man or a woman? who has the easier/better life overall?




  1. A woman. Definately.....but thats because I am one. Ppl will saytheir own gender

  2. well if I was a woman obviously I would be a lipstick L*****n, But if I get to choose Ill stick with man because we are generally superior and best of all we dont have to slough of our uterus lining once a month.

  3. dont wanna answer this one its a bet hard bura am happy being a man any way

  4. It's funny how just about everyone says the gender that they already are. Well I'll continue that trend and say I'd rather be a man, life is so much simpler.

  5. I am happy to be female.......... even though we are expected to do it all, be mothers, career women, have brains and beauty.  yeah, we have it a lot harder than men do.

  6. Woman, because of women's lib we have the choice to be exactly who we want. Men are still opressing eachother with conforming to 'be a man'.

  7. Both genders have there own sets of pressures. Neither has it easier/harder. Every situation is different.

    As far as some people getting a "free pass", that can also apply to both genders. I've known lazy men and women that worked their tails off, and vice-verse.

    If I had a choice, I'd just be me.

  8. Life is not easy for a woman in third world countries.  Life can be easy for women in the western world.  I only know what it's like being a women, so i'll choose that answer.

  9. I'd rather be a man.

    Although I think women generally have it easier and have more things catered to them. Women are also more liberated and have more freedom, while men are the ones still more trapped by "gender roles". Men seem to have more pressures unfairly applied to them. Many women seem to just get a free ride through life. For example, a friend of mine was at a sports bar, and he was struggling to make ends meet. A female friend of his makes more than he does -- but the sports bar had ladies night. She got to go in free while he had to pay. Is that fair?

    But, because of this, I tend to respect & appreciate manhood moreso than womanhood. And it's not a "sexist" thing -- I respect anyone more if they have it harder.

  10. I think men have the easier life. They don't have a period which would come with cramps and breaks outs. They don't give birth either.

    BUT I enjoy being a woman. I like doing girly things and I would never want to be a man.

  11. Ah man...i'd MUCH rather be a girl...

    1.) Women can carry purses....You know how much **** I would LIKE to be able to have on me that I can't cause it all won't fit in my pockets (i.e. cellphone, digital camera, cell phone charger, wallet, snacks, anything else that I would want at any given time etc.) having a purse would make things so much more convenient

    2.) Women don't have to pay for can be a flat out broke as a woman but call some guy and say "Hey, you wanna go out??" and that guys going to pay for EVERYTHING thinking that there might be that possibility that you put out before the end of the night....

    3.) If theres a domestic fight...the guy ALWAYS gets put in handcuffs....and THEN they ask the woman what happened...and depending on how many tears she squeezes out determines if the guy is going to jail...

    and those are just a FEW reasons why i would MUCH rather be a girl...

  12. I love being a woman. I like being feminine and all that goes with it. And I love that i can be pregnant and nurse babies. Men can't do that.

  13. girl (i am a girl)

    yes there is the woman curse but if i were a guy id have 2 live up 2 being buff, watvhing football/sports, and i would be able 2 shop! lol

    but being a girl has its up and downs

    like girl drama

    and the period

    but i love being a girl and i wouldnt change it! :)

  14. A man. Sorry .. no PMS , birth , I like being a stud.

  15. In the mighty US of A a woman.. More rights, considerations etc. they just generally have it easy

    But because I was born here in NZ I prefer being a male, it's really good. Sure there's still females getting away with stuff that's unfair but I enjoy my superior physical strength and the knowledge that I can raise a family just about whenever I want (well unless my little soldier shrivels to nothing) =D

  16. I would stay the same gender male because the pendulum's unbalance is only temporary.

       In the western world women have it cake easy. Western governments spend more on women's health, give them more rights and access to the public trough.

       But that is only a temporary situation. With enough time a pressure feminist's will be revealed as the hateful cretans they are and perhaps real equal rights can be achieved.

    P.S  it is not that we told it isn't cool to be smart it is that we don't want to deal with the hateful feminist teachers in high school and then in college.


    If I were to let other's judge me then I wouldnt not be a man nor a woman but a coward.

    It is always easier to attack those that believe in something than to form your own beliefs to stand by and uphold.

  17. Depends on where.

    In the US, of late, a woman.

    Elsewhere, basically since the beginning of time, a man.

    The proportion of women to men graduating high school has now exceeded 50% and 60% in college.  The US is shifting heavily to female in the medical market.

    Meanwhile guys are taught it is not cool to be smart.

  18. I`m very proud of being a woman, you cant choose which gender has the "better" life, everyone`s situation is different.

    If I wanted to be a man I would have a transexual problem.

  19. MAN.

    Not because its easier, but because you get more credit and respect from people. "Male" is the universal gender. As a man I can do business anywhere in the world. A woman can only do business in counties where women are not subordinates.

    Being a man I have more freedom overall. I don't have to worry about my eggs drying up when I'm 45, or whats in fashion, or being looked at strangely for sleeping around and remaining single, or getting pregnant.

    While women have some advantages over men, I still prefer being a man.

  20. Life isnt easy, period. I love being a women.

  21. I would stay a guy cos we can get away with alot more stuff then women can because of society and physical stuff

  22. i cud never see myself as a man... but guys defnetely got it lots better than us... id rather stay a woman an make things better for us... we need equal pay... equal jobs... equal rights... protection from abusers... then we wont need to ask which is better...

  23. WOMAN!

    even though we have periods and men don't :@

  24. I'm fine with being female, but male would've been alright too.

  25. I'm happy being a woman; both have their share of the easy and the hard life.

  26. I think it would be cool for me to born as a woman, it would fun and a new experiance also!

  27. A man.


    Even the rich humans, have enemies or a lonely life.

    The lions have to hunt.

    The whales have to swin and scpae humans.

    Bacteria have to find ways to survive too.


  28. White man, they definitely get more respect.

    Child birth, monthly cycles, arranged marriage, child brides, honor killings, rape genocide, restrictions on what you can or can't do because it's not safe, menopause. Men have it a lot easier I'd rather go to war or work 12 hours a day in a mine that deal with the things that I have to deal with as a woman. As a man I would be strong too yay.

    I get this psychic reading about Kris W I believe a bunch of feminist raped him and when he reported it to the cops they did nothing to help him now he hates all feminists like the plague.

    poor baby. I'm just sad the feminist didn't castrate him. Hmmmmmm unless they did and that's the reason he's so pissed heheheheheh LOL hahahahahah hhohohohho ahahahhhhhh heheheh oh that was he best.

    Seriously dude get some therapy or some cyanide pick one and save us the drama.

    you sound like a nagging wife blah blah blah blah blah nag nag nag nag nag feminists this feminists that all those little females are making my life h**l boooo hoooo whooooo wo is me my life sucks so bad the bad feminist are everywhere nag nag nag some more. Take some anti-depressants buddy or get a new brain. But beware to not go out too late when looking for this new brain the evil feminists might get you again for round two muwahahahah *giggle giggle* goodness you whine like a little girl stop, it is very pathetic and definitely not masculine. Are you sure you're a male. My gosh   you're exasperating.

  29. It doesn't bother me really; I am fine with who I am. Of course I’d love to see what it would be like to be male for a day, but I am quite content being female. In essence we are typically the same, it’s not much that separate us in the first place.

    Easier/better life overall? Depends on the people in question and on their surroundings. I’d say men and women have it equally as hard or as good; hard times aren't gender specific.

  30. Definately a man.

    Biological Advantages:

    Men can pee in the woods without getting any on their socks.

    No periods.

    No childbirth.

    Faster metabolism, so it's harder to be fat.

    Social Advantages:

    As long as you stay out of prison, you're pretty much guaranteed safety from rape. (as well as domestic violence)

    You're paid more for the exact same work.

    You don't get judged as a "bad father" if you hold a career.

    The standards for "good father" are always lower than the standards for "good mother"  ("Good mother" is a title almost no one gets).

    If your kid is screwed up, it's automatically thought to be the mother's fault.

    You are not excluded from any occupation.  If there is a job you're told you can't do, you're offered the higher status version of the same job.  "Oh, Billy, you're a boy, boys don't become nurses... but you can be a doctor" (and get more power and money)  Or "Oh, Joe, you can't be a teacher, you're a boy, but you can be a principal" (and get more power and money), or, "Oh, David, of course you're not going to be a nun, but you can be a priest" (with more power and money and potential for advancement).

    I am the hero of every movie, book and play.  As a teenager, any time I try out for any school play, I'm guaranteed a part.

    I am never looked down on because I'm too old.  Getting older doesn't eliminate my manhood.

    No one urges me to have children before I am ready.  If I choose not to have children, I'm not considered heartless.

    If my wife screws around on me, I'm considered the victim, it's 100% not my fault.  But if I s***w around on her, it must be because she's defective in some way, and, if she dumps me, she's not loyal, and if she keeps me, she's a doormat.  There is no win.

    No one tells me what to wear, and what do to in order to be safe.  If I am attacked, it is the attacker's fault, and not mine.  I am never blamed for an assault on my person.

    Do we really want to keep going?

  31. I like my upper body strength and sense of humor, thank you very much. Women have it easier in any case, free pass through life, zero responsibility, and all. However "better" is what you make of whatever you get.

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