
Would you rather be a member in a losing AFL GF or a losing Olympic Games team playoff for a gold medal? ?

by  |  earlier

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Such as basketball, soccer, water polo, field hockey - or any other Olympic Games teams event.

Olympians bask in the glory of a silver medal, even though they have been beaten. Whereas AFL players treat being in a losing GF team as bad as being in the pits. Some players have even thrown their runner-up medallion away!

Which would you choose?




  1. I would choose to be a member of a losing Olympic Games team than a losing team in an AFL grand final.

    That's because my team is always losing in the AFL & it is not much fun.

    Maybe, with a new coach next year, we may have a better chance.

  2. Would have to say a losing AFL grand final for two reasons

    Footy is my game, all the team sports in the olympics are OK but I am not as passionate about them

    With footy you don't have to wait four years for revenge only one and your team can still be basically the same after one year,four years it would change heaps so you can share the highs and lows with more of your original team mates

  3. i would lik ea silver medal at the olympics, An AFL final is no big deal

  4. i would bask in the glory of a silver medal then the afl gf team at less with the silver u did the best you could for your country and your proud of what you have done  

  5. Which team are you in? I would rather be in the other one.  

  6. Footy; You win as a team, you lose as a team etc.

    Ps. The Olympics are boring!

  7. An Olympic runner-up would do me.

    AFL GF losers are just that - LOSERS!

  8. A losing Olympics team. Reason being that you are highly regarded and a silver medal winner whereas in the AFL you either win or you lose. No one seems to consider whoever lost the grandfinal as "second place" and there is certainly no accolade for it!

  9. Well, I wouldn't feel the same passion for an Olympic sport compared to footy, so losing in the Olympics for me would be less painful :) And you also still get a silver medal, so I would be proud of myself and my team anyway.

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