
Would you rather be a tree or a rock?

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Would you rather be a tree or a rock?




  1. I would want to be a tree. A yew tree.

    They are rare, unique, strong, and rather poisonous.  

    Kind of like me :D

    Not too many people are like me,

    No one can quite copy my style,

    My words can be rather poisonous at times

    (even though it is the truth...)

    (I suppose sometimes I just sound harsh =\)

    and I an quite strong-willed,

    People can NOT push me to do something I dont want to do =)


    What about YEW?

    Haha, a pun!

    <3 Ironic

  2. a tree

    a rocks just boring

    and i can give bigger hugs being a tree!

  3. could i be a rolling stone?

  4. Tree!  They are so beautiful and full of life.

  5. If I get to choose, I'd like to be an obsidian arrowhead....well just for a little while anyway.

  6. tree so i can make oxygen for animals!

  7. i would rather be a tree because squirrels play on trees and squirrels are awsome

  8. a tree because there is life and because you get to tower over everybody

  9. Tree because people may hug me.


  10. a treee,,

    cause id still be alive,,

    and unlike rockss,,

    i highly doubt many trees get thrown around.

  11. Would I rather be destroyed to make sheets of paper that no one will broken down into little bits to build more roads and highways for an already over populated planet?  Hmmm...that's a tough one, I don't think I want to be either : )

  12. Can I be the tornado that spins them all around and destroyed them?

    Oh, I can't...

    Well, then, a tree would be nice. A Durian I can drop my fruits to all those who have ignored me and judge me from my looks. FEEL THE WRATH OF MY FRUITS!!!

  13. A tree.

    Atleast i'm still alive....

    & you DO ask the most random questions.

  14. I'd rather be a rock because then nothing could hurt me.

    Leopold's little heart is broken.

  15. I'd rather be a tree. That way I can grow high up in the sky and see for miles around. And I can sway in the breeze. A rock just sits there and sees the same old thing day in and day out!

  16. a tree, i   would give shade in the heat and oxygen into the air

  17. Neither, really. But if I had to choose then I'd be a tree. I'd have an impressive tap root. ;)

    Well, lordy I guess I'll be getting another notice here shortly from the Yahoo gods. lol

  18. tree... but the kind that are in the simpsons movie... so I can whack people that want to cut me down lol.  

  19. a tree , because at least i have life not like a rock thats just sitting there=)

  20. i want to be an oak tree lol

    i didn't like being a rock i tried it for a month was really boring

  21. a rock! its a great excuse to be lazy :)

  22. i guess i would want to be a tree since i would be home for birds and small animals.

    but if i had to be a rock i would be a diamond rock so i could be the sparkle of every ones eye lol

  23. The cutest people hug trees.I wanna be a tree!

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