
Would you rather be a turnip, a sharpener or a leprechaun flavoured beer?

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Would you rather be a turnip, a sharpener or a leprechaun flavoured beer?




  1. None of the above... I want to be a president.

  2. A leprechaun flavoured beer means I have humour and individuality and it goes with my cultural heritage.

  3. lerachaun flavoured beers!

  4. Leprechaun flavored beer

  5. I want to be a turnip please and thank you


  6. A Turnip fore no one will eat me!!

  7. A sharpener, because it's reusable.

  8. Sharpener .... mmmmmmmmmm ..... YOM

  9. Leprechaun flavoured beer..

  10. I think for me a turnip would be good, as long as I didn't get eaten, I'd be happy there just growing in the ground to a ripe old age!

  11. Leprechaun sounds good although green beer looks gross.

  12. Leprechaun flavoured beer.

    Leprechauns rule.

  13. Leprechaun flavoured beer: I like a man that enjoys the taste of me

  14. i wud be the person to eat the turnip, sharpen my pencil with the sharpener and drink the beer.

  15. Leprechaun flavoured beer because i'm cool funny tasty and a little bit weird


  16. A sharpener, I think.  

  17. A beer of course.  Any flavored beer is better than being a turnip.

  18. Lol! I'd be a sharpener, so I wouldn't have to give up certain...pleasures! JJ!

  19. Sharpener

  20. Leprechaun flavoured beer, of course! I don't know what leprechauns taste like though. I've never bothered to l**k one. Maybe you've had the chance?

    Well though, I could be a turnip, because nobody really like turnips, therefore I couldn't get eaten. But, turnips are nasty, and not as fun as beer.

    And being a sharpener might be like having s*x all day. You know, pencil ---> in hole? Well, for a woman, anyway. I don't really like that thought though, so maybe a sharpener isn't a good idea.

    No, I think I'll stay with the leprechaun beer though.

  21. a sharpener :))

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