
Would you rather be allergic to Chacolate or Caffine?

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Would you rather be allergic to Chacolate or Caffine?




  1. Definitely chacolate... Is that some vegan form of chocolate...

  2. Caffeine, hands down.

  3. I'll say chocolate.  I need my coffee!  Besides, if I can't eat chocolate, I can cut a few crunches out of my workout!

  4. Chocolate. Yucky.

  5. chocolate..though its quite delicious...i'm a hard core caffeine addict

  6. Caffeine

  7. I could easily do without chocolate.  It's nice sometimes but overall not needed.  Caffeine, though.  That's my poison of choice any day of the week.

  8. well, most chocolate has caffeine in it.....

  9. Probably chocolate. I like it but not that much. I don't drink coffee but I do like tea and sodas so it probably would be harder for me to give up the caffeine. I don't like decaffinated drinks.

  10. I'm not allergic to either thank God.  I use them both.  However, I cannot drink coffee because it upsets my stomach.  I use caffiene though in many other forms, and I love good chocolate!  So my answer is NEITHER!

  11. Deffinatly Caffeine

  12. chocolate.

  13. Without a doubt - chocolate.  It would be a good excuse not to eat it.  But caffeine???  Are you kidding me???  Decaf coffee is just not coffee - and a morning just isn't a morning until I get my fix!

  14. I would rather be allergic to caffine because i love cofee but i like choclate even more . i have to have at least a little bit at least one a week .

  15. If you are allergic to one, you will probably be allergic to the other..where as there is a small amount of caffeine in is still in there.

  16. Well chocolate has (small amounts) of caffeine in it, so if you pick caffeine you might be eliminating both! It would be a sad, sad world for me without chocolate, but without chocolate or coffee? I couldn't make it long!

  17. Caffeine. I don't love chocolate  but I prefer it on certain candies like snickers and MandMs. Besides I don't drink any sort of caffeinated drink and I don't think I'll try any time soon.

  18. Ouch!!  What a painful question for someone addicted to both.

    I would rather be allergic to chocolate....that way I could slim down a tad.

    Don't take away my coffee - if I was allergic to that I would swallow antihistamines with each cup!

  19. Chocolate, I can't live without caffeine.

  20. Chocolate has caffeine in it.   Lousy deal isn't it.

  21. Chocolate.

    I'd miss having a good Cadbury's like you wouldn't believe but that's a once a montha affair, while I need my Red Bulls, Vivarin and a constant supply of Coke to keep my ADHD in check without resorting to much more detrimental amphetamine-based ADHD meds.

  22. I am allergic to caffine - yet I love strong coffee.  Whereas chocolate I don't really care, and am not allergic at all.  Sod's law in action :-)

  23. I would rather be dead than not be able to drink coffee...I drink it all day long.

  24. I'm not a chocolate fan, so I'd choose that one hands down.

    In fact, my life would change very very little if I was allergic to chocolate.

  25. hard choice..but im gonna say chocolate because caffine is in coffee soda, some ice creams, whereas chocolate is like an entire catorgory when you block out caffine you cant have a lot of things

  26. Caffeine, because I very rarely drink tea or coffee anyway. I could easily avoid most products with caffeine in, but I don't think I could ever give up chocolate!

  27. It figures that I'd have to choose between two of my favourite substances in the world. I've liked chocolate longer, so I guess I'll go with the caffeine.

  28. the very thought of either is pure torture...

    ohhh the humanity.

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