
Would you rather be in the front, the middle, or the back of a rollercoaster?

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  1. Front

  2. Front because you get to see it all first, and are the first one to scream. LOL But if you are not an adventure seeker, the middle is better because there are people in front of you and behind you and you feel more secure, plus you get to see what is going on next before it actually happens to you. So for thrillers: FRONT. For scardier people: MIDDLE

  3. FRONT for sure :-)

  4. the front

  5. It surely depends if its your first time riding a roller coaster or if you've gone on one before. I would go in the front or middle because if you go in the front you get to go over all the fun stuff first and if your scared u wont be as scared. You should go in the middle because if something "happened" to the roller coaster, like if it crashed in the back or front, you'll be safe!!!!! :)

  6. The middle

  7. Front: Depends on the ride I guess. Floorless, Inverted, and Flying coasters I would definitely go for the front. But other than those I don't really see the point. Plus, on rides like Steel Force or Nitro, the front always hangs over the top of the first drop for a few seconds and I can't stand that. So, front is not my favorite seat on a coaster.

    Middle: I actually don't like the middle at all. It just doesn't seem thrilling to me when I sit in the middle. That's all I have to say about that.

    Back: The back of a train is my favorite. I love how the front of the train starts to go down the first drop and then the back is pulled down the drop. It doesn't hang there like the front because the weight of the front of the train pulls the back down at a greater speed. Plus, you get more airtime in the back seats in my opinion.

    So to sum this answer up - front no, middle definitely no, and back yes, yes, yes :P

  8. Lol back of course most motion is caused in the back.(Don`t beilieve me go into a Van and sit at the very back of a 3 row seats)

  9. if its dangly legs time then defo front, but up and down, up and down in cart rollers then gotta be middle those steep look downs knock me sick hahaha

  10. front or middle back gives u wip-lash

  11. the front or middle cause the back is all bumby and gave me a bloody nose

  12. back!

  13. Depends how comfortable I am with the ride...for the first two or three go's I like to be in the middle where I feel safest however after that I'm willing to sit anywhere.

    Although in really busy parks you don't really have time to be picky and you jusy sit anywhere lmao


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