
Would you rather be killed by Werewolves...a gas explosion or acid-spitting robots?

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Would you rather be killed by Werewolves...a gas explosion or acid-spitting robots?




  1. I'm going to go with the gas explosion because it would be the quickest but I would go for the werewolves if it meant I would come back as one which would be pretty cool :)

  2. Main superman hoon aise nahin marta

    HA HA HA

  3. Totally a gas explosion just because it wouldn't hurt as much but the other two would be a good story for your kids to tell lol.

  4. acid spitting robots sounds less painful

  5. Werewolf, with the hopes he wouldn't finish the job so I could become one myself.

  6. I would rather die ina gas explosion1! I can actually go out in style andit's a death that quick and short! No need 2 agonize for a long time.

  7. Werewolves off course. I go out every night in the hope that I will be savagely attacked by a furry beast.

  8. None of the above but....... a gas explosion I suppose. Hopefully quick and painless.

  9. THE WEREWOLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  10. Gas explosion, after eating too much Mexican food.

  11. gas explosion i guess. i would hate to be ripped up buy a wearwolf, or dissolve and burn buy an acid spitting robot

  12. A acid spitting werewolf which explodes when it bites naughty little children!

  13. Explosion.  

  14. None of the above???

  15. GAS EXPLOSION for me!!!...although you'd have a hard time discerning between this and an ATOMIC BOMB BLAST during the process...

  16. I would rather LIVE to death.

  17. Gas explosion seems least painful.  And probably fastest and most dramatic.  Although I'd put up a good fight with the werewolves (imagining hurling them through the forest as I try to shake them off until, much to my dismay, I become out-numbered and am taken down).  Great Question.

  18. i want gas explosion, becasue it's painless and quick

    but then again, i ride a motorcycle, and i fear my gas tank explosion all the time

    so, i rather be killed by warewolves

  19. A gas explosion. At least you go out in style.

  20. Kill whorewolves [werewolves], make sure my kitchen is well ventilated and have a little knowhow on the basics of engineering.

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