
Would you rather be king/or queen of the universe for one year or get what you want for one year?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I would rather be in your arms.

  2. "Being a king for one year" or "being a good king for one year" ?

    Being a good king is a lot of responsibility, I would have a whole kingdom to take care of.

    Honestly, I am not sure I am fit to be a good king, and I wouldn't wanna hurt anybody...

    So I'd rather go for "getting what I want for one year"

    Sounds very tempting and a lot more fun! ☺

  3. When you think about it being a monarch would get you watever you want anyway and you would be famous and rich, so i would be king

  4. I would rather be queen of the universe and decree the following...

    1)  Destruction and ban of all weapons.

    2)  Schools (education) would be free.

    3)  Mandatory re-cycling and conservation of the species.

    4)  gather all scientist to find a solution to drought and famine.

    5)  only corporations would be taxed and individual would only pay taxes on capital gain (not on wages).

    6)  focus on solutions to stop pollution and global warming.

    among others.....

  5. get what you want for one year. because i could be queen if i "wanted" duh lol

  6. just get what I want

    Be king-p**s someone off-get killed after the year is over

  7. Both - if I can have what I want for 1 year, I would make myself Queen of the Universe AND since I could still do what I want (the year's not up) I would choose my King.  Next.....

  8. Get what I want - being a monarch comes with way too much responsibility.

  9. Get what i want for a year, as the Royals are always in the limelight doing different things, and i would rather be me as i am.

  10. get what I want

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