
Would you rather be liked and be phony or honest and disliked?

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Would you rather be liked and be phony or honest and disliked?




  1. Honest...I have to live with myself. I dont really care if I'm disliked because of "honesty".  The person or persons who dislike me for being honest are simply not worthy of my energy.

  2. honest. coz when someone liked you, that means they liked you for who you are. ^_^

  3. I would rather be honest,because in the end I have to answer to myself and if I was phony just to be liked I would like me and that's more important than popularity any day.Honesty lasts forever and with honesty you will eventually gain respect.Phony is like a passing fad,and will be forgotten all to soon.

  4. I'm in agreement with Barbara A. all the way!

  5. Honest because I don't care what other people say about me, I hate my life anyway, it all went to h**l after the storm, and now people just don't care, so I don't care.

    P.S.= That was completly honest stuff, and now people are gonna hate me I bet.

  6. If your being phony is discovered, (most likely it will) then the risk of being disliked becomes greater than if you be yourself. If you are talking about honesty to the point of being mean or cruel, that becomes a personal decision on the relationship you have with the other person. When meeting new potential friends, be yourself, but use your social skills and behave.

  7. From the way you asked the question, I think you want me to say I'd rather be genuine and dislike.  But I'm not sure.  If you'd rather me be phony, I will just so you like my answer.  Please vote for me.

  8. honest and disliked...all the way.....if people can't like you for your honesty, then I don't care if they like me....

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