
Would you rather be reincarnated as a donkey or a pigeon?

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Would you rather be reincarnated as a donkey or a pigeon?




  1. DONKEY for definate, I know i'd smell and everyone would call me a dirty *** but rather that then be shot at by Gordon Ramsey!!

  2. Probably a pigeon. Don't think I could come back as a donkey walking up and down a beach all day having ice cream dribbled all down me. Knowing my luck though I'll come back as me!! lol

  3. Could I have another choice, please!

    I always wanted to know what is it like to be stepped upon as an ant.

  4. Out of the two, although not my first choice, would be the pigeon.

    That way you could soar above the rooftops and see the world from a different angle, and you'd get to p**p on the heads of the people who have wronged you in the past, he he!

  5. Donkey. Don't ask me why.

  6. A Donkey because Donkeys are brutal.

  7. pigeon - flight, pooing on selected people and you get bread. plus you have that really cool cooo cooo.

    if your a donkey you have to stay in a field and the eee aww thing sounds whack.

    flight and shyt3.

  8. Pidgeon for the freedom that flying would give me. Plus pidgeons are accepted pretty much everywhere, whereas if you see a donkey walking down your local high street it'd get carted off to some lame farm or rspca sanctuary where you'd lead a pretty dull life

  9. Would have to be a wood pigeon ... lovely birds, would be nice to be able to fly. On the flip side, donkeys are lovely, gentle creatures ... but not treated so well, so would prefer to be a pigeon of the natural variety (not one of Jack Duckworth's pigeons...)

  10. reincarnated as  pigeon.

    donkey have a hard life.

    As a pigeon, I get to travel around.

  11. A pretty canary bird like Tweety!^^

    Yeah, I will smudge on granny's lipsticks and try to look golden hot!

    Tweety me!

  12. Pigeon as long as I could find somewhere to roost at night other than this house as the missus of the house gets annoyed with the pigeons at night and has been threatening to lay a trap for them. Horrible person. Though donkeys have big billies.

  13. donkey because pigeons ennoy me :@

  14. a pigeon, rather have a life free to soar than a life of servitude.

  15. Neither are treated very well - I'd rather be a woodlouse no central nervous system - probably not a care in the world -

    if it has to be one of the above I'd go for jonathon livingstone pigeon.

  16. Impossible, only as a human.  The same or better than the last model.


  17. Do you think God would allow that? He created us with a soul! Due to it we`re images of God. We are God`s precious creatures. Once we die we go to eternal happinness with Him. How come you think you`re going to become an animal!!!

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