
Would you rather become God or remain as the human being you are?

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What do you think God's job qualifications are?




  1. To me God represents Love so either way I would be doing the same thing i.e. loving the world.

  2. i dont even believe in GOd, i would rather believe in myself.

  3. You already are God. You are just pretending to be human.

    Love and blessings Don

  4. Human. Being God looks to have a lot of responsibilities to take  

  5. I'll stay they way I am thanks. Haven't you noticed the nut jobs God seems to attract?

  6. human but be able to live till i wantd to

  7. I would be an evil god i would have so much evil fun....Sooo much evil


  8. i want to remain a human.......

    i would rather prefer to be a disciple of god than to become god.........

  9. i would want to be a god,and fix up this screwed up world.

    that is,if gods really do exist.

  10. I would rather cling to my human weaknesses that give me a vibrant life and reason to know happiness as the opposite of sorrow, wisdom as the opposite of ignorance and love as the opposite of hatred. To be God would just not suit my psyche with unlimited power, unlimited intelligence, unlimited existence etc., because with all those unlimited features, I shall have no motivation left rendering me as stagnant as dead!!

  11. Human.

    God has too many tasks.  

  12. I would like to be a human being only. It is a big job to be a God. God has got huge responsibilities and duties.

    God's qualifications are basic qualification like remaining peaceful, happy and having absolute knowledge.

    God is the entire glory, entire virtue, entire renown, entire prosperity, entire wisdom and total dispassion.

    Further God is aware of creation and dissolution of the universe, of the appearance and disappearance of beings, as well as of knowledge and ignorance.

    He is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipowerful. He is without any condition, restriction or limitations.

    God is not associated with ignorance, egoism, attachment, repugnance and fear of death.

  13. God..  

  14. Neither

  15. First of all God is our personal savior, He has powers to control everything. God is the one give us free, solution is in God's hand, when there are troubles both we've faced God is in the middle to sustain everything, because He is powerful, and nothing impossible with Him all things are made possible.  

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