
Would you rather cull a badger or a farmer?

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Farmers look for our money, get paid to produce things that we don't want, get paid to let land run to wilderness, and are insufferably conservative. Badgers are quiet little animals that are a delight when we see them.

Which would you want to cull?




  1. FARMERS!!! (but only if they were culling animals)

  2. There's some evidence that badgers are carriers of bovine TB.  We should treat them as they have in other countries.  Culling is only effective if you can be sure of killing them all.

    On the other hand, everything you eat has been grown or raised by a farmer.

  3. Poor old brock gets blamed for everything from the decline in  the number of skylark and bumble bees,  to the spread of bovine TB.

    I get a bit peed off with farmers whinging on about how tough life is for them, but who caused the foot and mouth crisis? A farmer from the North East who had been previously investigated by the RSPCA for not taking care of his pigs. The outbreak was traced back to his farm.

    And who ever thought of feeding cows (herbivore) dead sheep? Farmers fed their cows scrapie contaminated feed and then they wonder why and where BSE came from.

    And now with bovine TB, instead of following recommended husbandry techniques, being more careful with transportation of livestock from one part of the country to another and considering vaccination programmes for their herds, farmers just want to wipe out meles meles despite scientific studies saying it wont work (look at the study done in Ireland, thousands of badgers culled, and bovine TB is more prevalent than ever!).

    Infact culling can make bTB worse, as it causes the displacement of social groups. Badgers are more likely to move from one area to another during culls.

  4. None of them. if you cull any you are culling yourself.

  5. Typical bliss ninny response

    The life of a badger is worth more than that of a human being

    Get a clue

    If the farmers were producing things that nobody wanted then no body would buy what they produced and they would cease producing

    I also think you should do a little research into the personalities of Badger

    But then your type doesn't do research when ignorant sound bytes give them all the info they want

  6. The farmer, badgers have more rights to the great british land then any man women or child!

  7. The farm programs that give those farmers money to do this or not do that are all designed to give you cheap food on a steady basis. Its an attempt to stop wild flucuations in price and therefore in supply.

    Talk about wanting to bite the hand that feeds you!

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