
Would you rather dance in the rain or feel no pain?

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Would you rather dance in the rain or feel no pain?




  1. dance in the rain.

    you cant know happiness if you can't know pain.

  2. Dance in the rain anyday!

  3. Feel no pain would be pretty cool!

  4. Dance in the rain!  Pain translates into dance.  You can't dance beautifully without pain... then you wouldn't know how to look happy or sad or frightened or surprised or anything.

  5. hmm....i'd have to say dance in the rain because there are such things as good pain (ex. if your stretching) and you need to feel pain in order to see if your doing something the correct way.  

  6. Well, if I felt no pain then I wouldn't know if my hand was resting on the stove, or if I had an arm lopped off my a spinning blade. Pain's pretty useful.

    Because of this, I'd rather dance in the rain.

  7. no pain just came back from the doctors.and he has gave me some strong painkillers.


    they work a treat

  8. tuff?? i guess feel no pain


  9. dance in the rain life without pain would freak me out I would like to live without injury though =^..^=

  10. dance in the rain ;D

  11. Feel no pain

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