
Would you rather die or..?

by Guest56681  |  earlier

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be reincarnated for as long as the human race lives on. I'd choose to be reincarnated.




  1. I would choose reicarnation. But rather as an animal or a tree.  

  2. Reincarnation as long as there is sufficient 'holiday time' between job descriptions.  

  3. Rather philosophical.

    I don't think I would really care.

    I have had a past-lives portrait and readin done, and have supposedly been here 6 or 7 times previously, at least, but certainly don't remember any of that.

  4. I would like to be reincarnated if that is possible.

  5. Death.

  6. doesn't matter much i guess...its not like your can remember anything of a past life if you're reincarnated.

    personally though, i guess reincarnation so your ''spirit lives on'' or something.

  7. Don't you have to die in order tobe reincarnated?.. I'm just sayin!...

    If I can expound on your question. If I had a choice of reincarnation or Heaven, Hands down Heaven!  Reincarnation or nothing but blackness?...Hm? let me think..I'll take reincarnation for a 1000 bob.. But I'd want tobe something cool like an Eagle or a Shark, no single celled ameba's for this guy. The real question here is, what do you think happens when you die and if you had a choice from all the worlds beliefs, which would you choose?

  8. I do believe in reincarnation and get alot of flack for it!  I can't understand why people would assume that we wouldn't do back around over and over..our flesh gets recycled when we die, why wouldn't our souls?

    And, shhhh, we are Catholic, we aren't supposed be interested in things like reincarnation. LOL

  9. i would love to live my life as long as possible but when it is time to die you accept it and know that you had a good life  

  10. I believe that we are reincarnated until we "get it right."  So, reincarnation for me.

  11. To my way of thinking about what you wrote, I would rather Live this Life to the fullest, as long as God would let me on this earth to Live.

    If I die then it was the Lord's decision, that my Life here was over.

    I have had recollections back when I was a Teenager, that when passing a certain Street a brief, thought would come to me and I would think, that I had been on that particular street before, but it would be for an instant, and I would not say anything to my Mom, about it.

    Other than that I have been content as how my Life had been no regrets, and if God says that my time here on Earth is through, than so be it.

  12. Reincarnation is only cool if you get to come back as a human again.

    Being reborn as an ant just doesn't sound too exciting to me.

  13. Don't know if reincarnation is fact or not... but, if I were to be reincarnated I'd sure like some kind of input as to what I'm going to be.  I know I don't want to be a housewife again or someone who is always in a subservient role.  And, could I please have ample amounts of money.  I'm sick and tired of "counting pennies."  I think it would be interesting to know what's going to happen in the future, assuming we will survive 2012.  

  14. Doesnt matter...

    Its not like I will know that Im reincarnated.  Unless you believe in God you wont know your dead either so it doesnt matter.  

  15. Accept it guys. All belief systems spring from the fact that as the only species aware that it will die, the human race is in denial - hence heaven, h**l, reincarnation whatever. Live this life in the here and now. It's the only one you are going to get.

  16. id choose to be reincarnated also  

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