
Would you rather do a working holiday in Edinburgh or London?

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I am looking at doing a working holiday in either Edinburgh or London with my boyfriend, and although I think I would much rather Edinburgh to avoid the hustle and bustle of city life I don't want to live in a city where there isn't much to do. Please let me know your ideas and why you love that city more?




  1. Your money would certainly go further in Edinburgh - and there's more than enough to do. Right now there's a film festival and there is a major arts festival there as well. Plus it's a lot easier to get around than London. While there is lots to do in London, getting around can be a hassle; it's a bit like several cities right next to each other. Plus, if you are into it, there is better walking close to Edinburgh.

  2. london is dirty, the people are rude andd all seem to speak polish and it's very, very busy in summer.  it's a sea of people everywhere and they all seem to be going in the opposite direction to you!

    if it were me, i'd pick edinburgh - the people seem to get a lot nicer the further north you go and it's important to get a good feel of the the uk.  it's more than just 'london'.  

    you can always get cheap train tickets and commute to london if you want to.  the rail system is brilliant.

    i've been to the uk several times and while london can be really great, it can wear you down.

  3. London is definitely the go for something to do.  Perhaps you could consider living outside of London and commuting for al your fun.

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