
Would you rather drink a pint of...

by  |  earlier

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-olive oil






  1. Vinegar...Yummy


  2. happens at the beach all the time and I prolyl drink like a quart so it's no big deal=]

  3. vinegar. When I was younger I used to add it to my salt and vinegar crisps

  4. Olive Oil would be so much easier on the throat. I drank a shot of vinegar for a dare and my gosh! That was the worst **** ever!

  5. I couldn't drink any of them , They would make me vomit

  6. olive oil  

  7. oooh yuck i was gonna go with sea water but thats so polluted.

    probably olive oli

  8. I wouldn't want to drink ANY of those thank you all the same!

  9. Well the seawater and vinegar could damage your olive oil.  I don't think I've ever sucked any of that stuff down straight though.

  10. I think you would vomit after drinking a pint of any of these, however the olive oil would be well lubricated and less acidi, so I'll have to say the olive oil.

  11. If it was clean, seawater.

  12. I think vinegar

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