
Would you rather eat fried chicken or watermelon?

by  |  earlier

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I like both, with a nice big bottle of big red...




  1. I'd rather have watermelon if it's seedless.  LoL.  And I don't like eating chicken if it's still on a bone, so if it's boneless I'd rather have chicken.

  2. Fried Chicken .. tat sounds yummy !!


  4. It depends on how hungry I am.  They will both fill me up, but the chicken will satisfy me longer and I will not be hungry as soon.  Watermelon is yummy, but not fill me up for an extended amount of time.



  5. watermelon.

  6. I guess it depends what I am in the mood for and also depends on the time of day.  Right now I would be in the mood for nice juicy watermelon.

  7. I like all three! And I'm white! (well, actually a kind of light beige, but who cares) I also like strawberry soda. And collard greens. And malt liquor. (but who cares)

  8. watermelon

  9. i say fried chicken

  10. watermelon//

  11. Watermelon. I prefer my chicken grilled.

  12. watermelon w/o a doubt!! YUMMYYY

  13. fried chicken, yum yum

  14. watermelon..... yumm

    not fried chicken though, cos underneath that layer of fatty batter/breading is just a plain tasteless piece of chicken

  15. Fried chicken!! KFC, plzzzzzzz

  16. Neither

  17. Both are the most awesome thing to eat in the world

  18. yeah i am with you that sounds good right now mmm..........

  19. funny. Ur an a***e..hahahaha

    I used to cut a hole in the watermelon, dump a bottle of Vodka into the watermelon.

    Freeze the melon, than cut and eat...yum..We would be eating melon @ work, and the stupid visors had no clue, that we were getting fuKkd up.

  20. fried chicken sounds yumm............

  21. Fried Chicken.

    Who wouldnt enjoy eating a feathery friend, deeply fried in grease, which in 10 years will probably give you heart burn?


  22. watermelon.......yum!

  23. Fried chicken.  I hate watermelon.

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