
Would you rather eat or use grain to make fuel?

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It is proven that ethanol made from grains is at best a "zero sum gain", that it takes as much energy to produce it as it might save.

However, the use of grain for ethanol has increased food costs so much and reduced food supply so much that people are now going hungry.

I say, stop ethanol production and rely on oil.




  1. I would rather use the grain for food. Production of ethanol pollutes just as much as refining petroleum so it does no good from an environmental point of view. We are not running out of oil, as many of us believe, there is plenty of it still left...that being said, I don't believe having oil reserves is a good excuse for continuing to use them. Burning fossil fuels not only destroys entire ecosystems, it pollutes our air, water, and soil, and its also causes many diseases like asthma and cancer.

    I don't understand why but a lot of people blame high gas prices and food shortages on the green movement, but the truth is that most environmentalists like myself hate the idea of ethanol or turning food into fuel. I believe we need to look at other alternatives that don't involve our food or massive amounts of pollution.

  2. the whole corn, grain, whatever fuels put as much shtuff in the air as oil, because methane is a pollutant, so as far as i know its not exactly the best option.  but we are running out of oil

  3. I rather eat, plus rice is part of diet as well. Grain isn't that good way to repalce oil for fuel, because grain also depend on resource we have and need time and workforce, we simply don't had enought of that that can bring enought demand for food and fuel, should had more focus in eletric and other source than depend on natural resource.

  4. Yeah but the point is, oil is a dwindling resource. We are using these alternatives while developing other fuel sources.

    We have to start somewhere and then refine the technology.

  5. I rather eat the grain and use the energy I got off it and ride a bicycle.

    Now that's true energy efficiency right there!

  6. maybe use it for fuel and drink it.

  7. I say switch to electric batteries and then we'll all be better off - especially the electricity company lol!

  8. Both

  9. read this:

  10. It depends on how and what is used.  If corn is used and the fermenting only uses part of the sugars in corn, then the corn can still be used for other things (brewers grain).  It should be part of the answer but not all of the answer.   Other plants such as switch grass or sugar beets have a higher potential to be efficient.   Basically what is being done is using plants to store solar energy, how you gather, store and make it useful is the problem that has to be solved.

  11. Grain,'s always been a struggle since....lets see the Greeks invade Egypt (Egypt was the bread basket of the Mediterrian for centuries) its the US.  The poor will always starve so the rich can eat.  it's the way of the world my dear...if it's not grain it would be something else.

  12. I tend to agree with you. I think it is much more important to feed the poorest of us than to give cheaper fuel to those who can afford to drive luxury cars.

  13. use grain to make fuel

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