
Would you rather freeze to death or boil to death?

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Would you rather freeze to death or boil to death?




  1. I hate the cold, so I'm going to say boil to death. Atleast I'll make good soup :-|

  2. Some say the world will end in fire,

    Some say in ice.

    From what I've tasted of desire

    I hold with those who favor fire.

    But if it had to perish twice,

    I think I know enough of hate

    To say that for destruction ice

    Is also great

    And would suffice.

    Robert Frost

  3. Definitely freezing.

    It's actually not a bad way to go: you get that cold feeling for a while, then you just go numb and can't feel anything, then you just fall asleep...and don't wake up.

  4. freeze.... once the shivers are past, the next stage is sleep.... and no awakening.... much nicer than boiling!!....

  5. I would rather freeze to death. I prefer cold over heat. Boiling to death seems extremely painful and unbearable, so I would rather freeze to death.

  6. are u funny...

    ur question freeze me

  7. freeze

  8. Freeze, then ill go to the future :3

  9. eventhough freezing is loads less painful..boiling is a faster i think id go with boiling...

    InshAllah non happen thoughD=!

  10. freeze, you fall asleep

  11. Put me in the deep freeze please....8>)

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