
Would you rather go with a Suzuki SX4 Sport or Subaru impreza 2.5i 4 door?...why

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Would you rather go with a Suzuki SX4 Sport or Subaru impreza 2.5i 4 door?...why




  1. i forgot suzuki still made cars. go subaru. you'll be so glad you did. you'll be happy with it everyday.  

  2. The impreza! I dont know the specs on suzuki, but if it doesn't havd AWD then the subaru for sure

  3. Taken by itself, the SX4 is really not a bad car--but the Impreza is faster, more fuel efficient, quieter, better-riding and more fun to drive.  It also has a proven reliability record and one of the best AWD systems on the market.  It's really a no-brainer to my mind unless you prefer the styling of the SX4.

  4. subaru because they are voted the most reliable car and they look nicer

  5. s****. all the way.

    The Suzi is a Fiat/Suzi design, and not a good one.

    The s****.has a more throughly engineered chassis than most German cars.

    Also Suzuki has it's head up it's rump when it comes to cars.  They don't give a rat's posterior about entusiast drivers.  They couldn't even be bothered to publicize their WRC presence.

  6. subaru easy

  7. subara all the way  

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