
Would you rather golf with Spiro Agnew, hunt with d**k Cheney, log roll against Ms. Palin, or ???

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debate Dan Quail . . . (and so forth).

I myself would like to watch a no holds barred chess match between Fritz Mondale and Al Gore (more exciting than this election cycle).




  1. Dude! A round of golf with Spiro and Zbignew, as a 3rd, would be awsome! Can you imagine the sound of those two trash talking? It would sound like a sub-sonic boom for a whole afternoon! Maybe my other nut would drop! Eheeheee!

  2. you forgot carpooling with teddy kennedy!  

  3. Hunt with dck Cheney, at least he is smart.

  4. How about going one on one in a spelling bee with Dan Quayle?

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