
Would you rather have DWill/Boozer or CP3/West?

by Guest57426  |  earlier

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Would you rather have DWill/Boozer or CP3/West?




  1. deron williams and boozer

  2. dwill/boozer

    their pick and rolls are very good and works extremely well.

    i think boozer is much better than west also.

    even though i would prefer cp3 over dwill, with the combination i would take dwill/boozer.

    cp3/chandler is a better pair in my opinion.

  3. I love David West's post game, and Chris Paul is developing into a premier point... But Deron absolutely WORKS Paul on h2h, all the way back to NCAA. As for Boozer, he's a freaking tank. The tandem is deja vu for Utah.

    Honestly, I think that skill-wise Deron/Carlos fall little short of Chris/David, but the Utah tandem can just out hustle and power their way out of games.

    As a side comment, I would kill to see Williams and Wade work the same backcourt.

  4. Cp3 and West

  5. CP3/West

  6. D-west and CP3 the '09 MVP

  7. Out of the two, DWill/Boozer, but I rather have CP3/Chandler.

  8. What up Corey,

    In a 2 on 2 situation- i think i would much rather have D. Will and Boozer.

    D. Williams is a much better perimeter shooter than Chris Paul and with the D. Will/Carlos Boozer duo you truly have a inside/out combination.

    David West gets a lot of his points off of kick-outs because the Hornets spread the floor with Peja and so West gets open looks from the mid-range.  West is not a guy who typically creates his own shots so i think in a two on two type of situation - Boozer would get the best of him- plus Boozer would be able to take West down-low in the post with his size advantage.  

    While Paul is a better driver- D. Williams is stronger and should be able to get to the hole one-on-one versus Paul.  Overall i think the Williams and Boozer duo would be better- though as others pointed out if it was Cp3 and Chandler (i'd probably take that duo over D. Will and Boozer).


  9. I'm going with a gut feeling and that's CP3/ and David West.

    They have Chris Paul and he's the greatest or going to be greatest PG of NBA history.

  10. Chris Paul and David West

  11. dwill/boozer because dwill=cp3 boozer>west

  12. D Will and Boozer only because i think Boozer is better than West but if i could mix and match and have CP3 and Boozer i would be happy lol

  13. Deron Williams & Carlos Boozer. Deron has been overshadowed by CP3, and is a great player. Almost equally match skill wise. I'd take Boozer over West any day. Bigger, stronger, and can score 20+ in any game.

  14. CP3/West

    cause Boozer is inconsistent  

  15. i think dwill and boozer are better skill wise and thats why i choose them

  16. DWill and Boozer

  17. I personally don't like West at all and think he is overrated so just for that I'd pick Dwill/Boozer....................but I still think CP3 can kick DWills trash!!

  18. for a change this is actually a good question corey. im impressed

    yet i am kind of torn. boozer is a year younger than west and deron i a year older than chris, so the age disparity isnt a problem.

    im going to take the williams-boozer duo simply for the fact that i believe derons the better point gaurd, or atleast i think so, also boozer on the olympic team and has more experience so therefor im taking them

  19. I don't really like West but I think Chris Paul is better all three of them plus together

  20. Deron Williams and Boozer are from the West Coast. Chris Paul and Jerry West are from the West Coast.

    I say Chris Paul and Jerry West! Chris is better than Deron, West is better than Boozer. So team CP3 wins!

  21. DWil/Boozer. They lead the league in most assists to player i believe.

  22. CP3/west

    they both have a fluent jump shot.. they would knock em down if they are open..

    and both can drive to the basket too..

  23. Funny how one mentioned Jerry West instead of David West

    I go with DWill and Boozer.. DWill is a much better perimeter shooter and Boozer has a decent inside game.

    David West scores because of them spreading the floor, because of Peja's 3s and lobs to Chandler. Still don't get how this guy became an all-star.

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