
Would you rather have George W Bush(If he could have run a third term) or John Mccain for president?

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I KNOW Bush cannot run again.....but for you conservatives if you had a choice between Bush or Mccain which one would you rather have and why?

and also imagine in this situation there is No obama or other democrat canidate




  1. I am a DEM...I would rather have the angry old man than BoBo the clown.

  2. You just gave me no choice to vote. Hmm, maybe Putin???

  3. Well, I'm a moderate who always votes for the most moderate person running. Bush was a total disaster, unless you're one of the very few of the wealthy.

    McCain used to be a great moderate among a party going way too far to the right. Now he's flip-flopping all over the place trying to win the conservative vote.

    The most popular moderate president we've had in the last seventy years, and still extremely popular as an ex-president, would get my vote for a third term. Sorry, conservatives, but it would be Bill Clinton.

  4. Nope, It wouldn't matter if Bush was a good president.. Two terms for any president is enough.

  5. McCain because I hate career politicians like Teddy boy..

  6. either is fine with me

  7. Neither ....

    a recent poll said that 81% of Americans felt this country was on the wrong track.  Either one of them would keep it going down the wrong track that Bush has had us on.

  8. Hmmm...  delusions of adequacy or a slide into senility.....some choice.

  9. I didn't vote for George Bush the first two times.  I'm not about to start now.

  10. Seriously, there is no difference between Bush or McCain.  They are the same with the same exact policies.  So, my answer is no thanks to both.  I don't want either one of them in the white house.

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