
Would you rather have a chinchilla or a hampster?

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honestly id rather hae a hampster because gerard way got one.




  1. Neither, I would want a gerbil.  They are the cutest of all three.

  2. chinchillas = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    hamster priceless.

    but chinchillas make great pets though.

  3. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... Which Do You Want?

  4. I personally, would rather have a chinchilla.  Hamsters don't really know the difference between people, and your relationship cant grow with them, as it can with a chinchilla.  Also, chinchilla's are beast.  haha

  5. hamster, there easier to watch and u dont have to bathe them in dust or watever plus they are cuter and funner

  6. i have 2 chinchillas and they are very comical and bright pets but like blondfeathers said there not very keen of being handled. they are clean and dont smell unlike other rodents but can be quite messy, especially with there sand baths. type in chinchillas on you tube and watch the videos. i also have 2 g pigs which are very sociable and dont like to be picked up and they need cleaning out nearly every day,we keep ours outside in a rabbit hutch which they prefer.

  7. Chincillas are awesome animals but they are very hard to care for. They always have to have clean cages and dust to bath in. They also cannot get wet and they arent very social. They like to hide. I would suggest a hampster. They don't have to be as clean (still need clean cages though, fresh food and water) and they are more passive to being handled. Both animals have a tendency to bite, but I think hampsters are a little more friendly.

  8. I have been rescuing chinchillas for 5 years and breeding for 6 years. I prefer chinchillas over ANY other rodent. The don't smell and if purchased from the right breeder/rescuer/pet owner then their not all that expensive. Most breeders are in it for the money, those types of breeders are expensive, priced between $100 - $350. My chins are priced between $50 - $150, not in it for the money. Hamsters, girbels, guinea pigs, mice, rats, etc. all smell. Chinchillas play and if handled quite a bit can become loving pets, even wanting to be held. I have a chin that LOVES to be held. Every time I open the cage door he jumps right out at me, as if he's going to attack me. If trained right, you can train them to do certain things. The most expensive thing is the cage.

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