
Would you rather have a job that paid well, but you did not enjoy, or a job that paid peanuts and you liked?

by  |  earlier

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If offered a position with a company doing something you do not enjoy, but it paid well, and offered a job with a company that paid poorly, but you enjoyed more, which would you take?




  1. The one that paid good money. I can always save and apply for a fun job later. Or use the money to start my own business.

  2. Well for me this is easy.  The jo that made me happy but paid peanuts couldn't make me happly. Money makes me happy.  So the job that pays well but I don't enjoy, in turn, will make me happy since i love money.  I dont make any sense lol.  Id go with higher paying job.

  3. Only you can answer this question.  A lot of people are in dire straits financially and don't have a choice:  they have to take the better paying job.  If you have a choice then decide what is important to you.

    On the other hand, you can take the job that pays well and work your butt off for a few years, save like crazy and only take jobs that satisfy your soul later.

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