
Would you rather have a two-week Miditerranean Cruise or a trip to the Moon?

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Would you rather have a two-week Miditerranean Cruise or a trip to the Moon?




  1. a trip to the moon, because i have already been to the Mediterranean cruise.

  2. Mediteranean b/c Im not the real adventurous type, and Ive been to the Mediteranean and I loved it!

  3. The moon no doubt..... I will get to see earth from up there and what could be more beautiful....

  4. Trip to the moon! Anyone can go to the Mediterranean.

  5. Both.  When do we leave?

  6. A two week Mediterranean Cruise, never had a desire to visit the moon, already enjoy the view I get.

  7. How can you party on the moon  no atmosphere.

  8. I just came back from a 2 week Mediterranean Cruise on Disney Cruiseline ship "Magic"...and I'd rather do than go to the moon.

    Disney is a first rate cruise ship with a program that rivals all others!

  9. The cruise...theres 2 things u can see from the moon the is the great wall of china and the staten island dump(where they put garabage) its enough you get to smell where I live dont want see it...Ill take the cruise :D

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