
Would you rather have an Ice Age or ireversable Global warming?

by Guest33681  |  earlier

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Established global warming/the opposite of an ice age




  1. An Ice Age. Just not when I'm alive. An Ice Age will be the natural way to restore balance in my opinion.

  2. ice age definitely. its more like the normal state in the latest few million years.

    looking at the series of saw tooth temperature falls from the peak at the end of each ice age (10 000 yrs ago on this one) back to full glaciation, it looks just like a negative feedback graph for any other control system.

    also, the losses in the far north and south to ice are balanced by the gains in better growing areas around coastlines as the sea level falls.

  3. hhm. i thik both would kill us so neither. if we have global warming then there will be droughts, oceans will dry up,a dn our crops will die. if we have an ice age then our crops with die anyway, but we might be able to grow them in a greenhouse. but then the oi and heating companies would probably become as*es and charge $10000 for i guess and ice age. i cant take heat. i get irrated and sometimes dillsuional

  4. Ice Ages die down eventually.

  5. Gee, freeze to death or roast to death, hmmm a tough one.

  6. Glebul Wurmong.

  7. Who cares it is not like we can cause or stop either one.

    Maybe the 5th Emam or Jeeezus  will show up and stop the meteor that is coming at Earf at the same time because, as the 700 Club's very own Pat Robertson would say, the United States has allowed the holy abomination of homosexuality to infiltrate the nation and God is now getting even. Maybe Buda should come back to earf and start an anti obesity campaign. (Are there any fat budists?)

    But the newest accepted psuedoscience of man made global warming will be placed right next to Alchemy, Eugenics, Bloodletting, and Homeopathy Medicine.

  8. Its kind of  a dilenma but it depends on sacrfices you are willing to make, because an ice age would have a great impact on humans who have no means of adapting to the cold for e.g. abscence of over coats e.t.c as well as other adverse effects . Global warming as we see right now is not an easy task even though its not at its peak yet, but the statement that its "irreversible", I do not agree with. You could say that it would take a lot of time, work and money to reverse it though.

  9. There is no such thing as irreversible global warming...  So, I will pick the fantasy...  Global warming...  Cause then you will have an ice age, then warming, then ice, then warming, ice, warming, ice, warming, ice, warming, ice......

  10. We could survive a 10 degree drop in temperature (average for the ice ages we've had for millions of years).  Warming is a different story.  a 4 degree rise can kill all the higher forms of life on land and most in the sea.  That's only happened once, and life had to begin all over again, including crawling out of the sea.

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