
Would you rather have an inexperienced President or VP?

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I find it hilarious how Libs are talking about Palin experience when she still has more than Obama.




  1. I know!  And yet she has more executive experience than any of them

  2. You wnat to put it that way, then she has more experience then McCain as about that being hilarious?

    I think if you look back a bit, you will see Obama has many years of public service including 8 in the Illinois Senate and 4 in the U.S. Senate...Palin has LESS than 2 yrs as a governer of a small economy that has a GDP that is in decline.

  3. i rather have a president with the good judgment to pick as VP someone who we can trust.

  4. Palin does not have more experience than Obama.  How can McCain even consider someone who is under and ethics investigation?   I do like McCain.  I think McCain is a good man. I think made a bad choice because he wants to pander to former Clinton supporters and choose a woman.  Palin is the wrong choice, there are dozens of better public servants out there. I cannot believe he would use Palin like this to pander to the female vote

  5. Barack Obama served eight years in the Illinois state Senate and has served four years in the US Senate. He has more experience than BOTH Abraham Lincoln and George W. Bush. But CONS like you always seem to forget those obvious facts. Palin does NOT have more experience than Barack Obama. She was a mayor in small town Alaska for four years and then she's been Governor for all of two years.

    EVERY time I ask Republicans for McCain's accomplishments during his 26 years in the US Senate, I get NOTHING because he's done NOTHING. Here are some of Obama's accomplishments:

    Obama sponsored more than 800 bills during his eight years as an Illinois state senator. And his U.S. Senate career, while brief, has been action-packed.

    As for Obama’s list of his accomplishments, he’s right on every count. A Washington Post editorial credited Obama for helping to create "the strongest ethics legislation to emerge from Congress yet," and the Coburn-Obama Act created a new Web site,, which allows anyone to see where federal contracting and grant money is being spent. Moreover, it was an Obama-sponsored amendment that ended Walter Reed's practice of requiring outpatient military personnel to pay for their own meals. And as a state senator in Illinois, Obama championed a bill requiring the police to videotape prisoner interrogations. Although initially controversial, the measure passed the Senate unanimously; even Republicans conceded that the turnaround was largely Obama’s doing. Finally, while Obama didn’t mention this one, we think it’s worth noting that the Lugar-Obama non-proliferation initiative provided funds for destroying nuclear weapons and for intercepting weapons of mass destruction.

    VOTE OBAMA/ BIDEN '08!!  

  6. OH, that is a tough one...I guess I would rather have an inexperienced VICE-PRESIDENT. The President needs to have experience in Foreign Affairs because the other countries that want POWER are tricky...and very difficult to deal with...I think it is all about compromise...But some countries WILL NOT. So we have to do what we have to do...WAR!! I feel it is very sad but that is REALITY.

  7. I would like to see her go against Obama joe Biden in a game of one-on-one (she was on an actual basketball team).

    In my mind, a mayor and governor* does a lot more than a "community activist" and senator with the same number of years experience - She has actually run something for a living! She also went after a corrupt member of her own party (usually political suicide) and won, that's the kind of community activist I want. And she isn't too bad looking either. And I bet she probably knows the difference between a battalion and brigade.

    * All Senators do is move words around the room, mayors and governors actually run things and make decisions.

  8. McCain is way too old so I'm pretty sure Palin would become president

    Not a good thought.

  9. (1) let's get serious this show the lack of judgment on McCain part.(2)Palin is no Hillary Clinton she only been a Governor for 2 years and we are talking about Alaska where the wild life out number the peoples 20 to 1.(3) i would not feel comfortable having Palin running this country in a case where something happening to McCain .3) Palin is under a ethic investigation .4) We know that Biden is ready to lead on day one if something ever happen to Obama. I personally think McCain just handed the presidency to OBAMA.

  10. Palin has has more Executive experience then Obama

  11. VP because they will gain the experience under the experienced president that's why I vote McCain.

    This judgement c**p Obama bots keep talking about he was against that was he gave a speech in 03 big deal how is being against one issue good judgement ...Obama was against the serge doesn't that give McCain better judgement?  

  12. I’d rather have a president with ideas, good judgment and vision, like Obama.  Bush had “experience” and look where that has gotten us!

    McCain's choice of Palin was a desperation, pandering move that is so obvious that it is sickening.

  13. I find it hilarious that democrats try to make things up to argue about against McCain.

    And it's about time Obama agreed to an actual DEBATE with McCain, instead of pussyfooting around with his fans.

  14. You Cannot Compare Palin to Hillary. McCain has Clearly handed over the Presidency to Obama.  

  15. Palin has actual governing experience while the others are only senators.  I would rather have an inexperienced Pres with an experienced VP then both not having experience.  At least then we would have someone that knows what they are doing.

  16. Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but Libs (as you call them) are only responding to McCain's criticism.  The same McCain that went out and picked an inexperienced V.P. candidate.  What a hypocrite.  Besides, I don't want a honey pot in office lobbying for her husband's big oil interests.

  17. McCain's pick is nothing more than a blatant attempt to pander to women.

    nothing more.

    I find it pretty pathetic.

  18. Libs are a joke.

  19. I'd rather have an experienced Pres. AND  a highly experienced VP to back him up and support him.  Don't fall for the obvious ploy McCain has set up to win more votes!  

    VOTE OBAMA!!!!

  20. 1st....she has no experience

    2nd....McCain looks like he could drop dead any day now......I'm amazed he survived the his VP pick is very important.....and is fair game for criticism....

  21. Republicans were the ones who are constantly questioning Obama's experience not vice versa.  I don't look at experience, I look at intelligence and Obama trumps both Bottom of the Class McCain and gun-toting beauty queen Palin.

  22. VP,   most presidents survive  

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