
Would you rather have been adopted or eaten by a shark upon birth?

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Would you rather have been adopted or eaten by a shark upon birth?




  1. What BOTZ said - that answer SO resonates with me -

    "Eaten by a shark!

    Eaten by sharks = excruciating pain that lasts for a (relatively) short time.

    Adopted = excruciating pain that lasts an indefinite amount of time -- forever."

    Could NOT have said it better myself.

  2. I'm too distracted coming up with hypothetical situations where these could reasonably be the only two choices. It's a fun mental exercise. I'm sure there would be pirates involved.

  3. I'd rather be adopted.  I wouldn't take it personally if I were given up for adoption at birth.  Maybe I'd be offended if I were given up for adoption later on.  I wouldn't let it bug me too much though, but I must admit, I believe I would be capable of being given up for adoption at a time later than at birth without being bitter or distraught only if I knew like I do now that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me no matter what my parents here think of me.

    I do care what my parents think of me, but that's because I consider my parents to be good people and I value their judgment.  If a parent gives up a child for adoption because of a cold heart, that parent's valuation of the child is worth absolutely no consideration for the child.  It's certainly no reason for children to think they'd be better off dying at birth.  

    If instead of having a cold heart, a parent painfully gives up a child for adoption believing it would be best for the child, it's not a low valuation of the child but an act of love for the child even though love does not always guarantee the right choice when mixed with fear.

    My dad was adopted, and I am a supporter of adoption.  I consider it a great choice for those who want to have families and whose hearts go out to orphans.

  4. Adopted by sharks...

  5. Eaten by a shark!

    Eaten by sharks = excruciating pain that lasts for a (relatively) short time.

    Adopted = excruciating pain that lasts an indefinite amount of time -- forever.

    To Kristy:

    As one who would choose death (abortion, sharks, whatever...) BEFORE my adoption, I think you missed the point.  What good* would killing myself NOW do? My adoption has already happened.  It can't "unhappen".  My answer refers to what I would choose, if I *could* choose -- before any adoption happened.  If I was eaten by sharks upon birth, I would have died as my REAL self.  Get it?  Didn't think so.

    *Hypothetically, I could think of some good it would do...but that has nothing to do with the question at hand...and I'm not suicidal, just for the record.

  6. this is supposed to be funny right?

    you missed it

  7. Eaten by sharks, then have the shark get caught by fishermen who cut him open and scoop out the intestines and throw them back into the ocean to be devoured by crabs and then the crabs caught by fishermen who sell them to Red Lobster where they are devoured by humans.

  8. What would you rather do, have pants with no covering on the bum part, and never be able to explain why, or have people be able to read your thoughts in a cartoon caption above your head?

    I know that you are being "cute" but your example is just another false dilemma, that adoptees get all the time, would you rather be adopted or aborted, would you rather starve to death in an orphanage, if only life were so simple, there probably wouldn't be all this existential angst.  

    So enough of your nonsense

  9. "TheBrain"?  Try "TheBowel"

  10. Can I be Lava Girl instead?

    P.S. I think you have the makings of an entertaining on line game here.

    Eaten by sharks or adopted?

    Exposed to B. Spears music on an endless loop or adopted?

    Show up naked and unprepared for school every day or adopted?

    We know that some users will always choose death, but perhaps they fear bad pop music or public humiliation.

  11. How about being birthed by a shark and eating the Paps trying to buy kids in 3rd world countries.

  12. Oh, my.  That's all I can say.

    *going to sit back and watch how this all pans out*

  13. neither  

  14. Adopted.

    Why if so many would have rather have been eaten are you still alive now?  There are shark filled waters all over the planet.  This is a serious subject (especially for adoptees) and you do have choices now.  Why joke about it.  Obviously you would rather be alive.

  15. HUH? Apopted....definitely....

  16. Shark bait.

  17. Some sharks do eat their young.

    Glad you're back! ;) Nice avatar!

  18. I have to choose?

    Actually, I never minded being adopted, I minded being relinquished (abandoned) with no explanation.

    So I guess I would rather be adopted.

    But honestly, I would rather be eaten by a shark than be abandoned by my mother.

    To quote my dear friend Elizabeth: Being abandoned sucked.

  19. Neither - I want kinship care by The brain.

  20. Eaten by sharks. No doubt.  

  21. Depends on who's doing the adopting...

    If it's Moonshine, I can't see how one is much different than the other anyway.

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