
Would you rather have some foreign country take over yours if you were going to die in a Nuclear war?

by Guest64640  |  earlier

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Would you rather have some foreign country take over yours if you were going to die in a Nuclear war?




  1. no , i would rather die english than surrender to anyone

  2. I would stand proud and defend my Country, my Country is my family and made me and my children who we are today!

  3. Hi

    well first of all I think chemical war fare is more likely as no property is damaged and any resources can easily be grabbed .

    Well if you’re a selfish person then i guess you would choose death , but if your thinking long term then you would have to choose to be conquered .

    As history shows most countries have been conquered at some point in history and most of them have regained their identity after the invaders have been defeated  or leave after losing interest in the country .

    hope this helps bye : )

  4. Yes, that's like saying would you rather stand infront of a bullet or move out of the way.

  5. if we cant have the country NO ONE  can

  6. NEVER. Better dead than red.

  7. Surely living under foreign rule is preferable to death. Life gives you a chance. Foreign rule isn't necessarily a bad thing. It is something we try to put a positive spin on when it suits our purpose (eg Iraq)

  8. Is "Sailing out to a deserted island and recreating civilization" an option?

  9. What I would like is for citizens to send a team to My country with knowledge of The Gov to demolish Global Warming problems in form of commercial airports. If by war you mean Revolution that may work.

    Other ideas are a currency system combined with Green techniques.

    Civic Currency and a Union with the other country plus possibility then others could be friends and be left to own devices. One other thing if war against gangs not sure if wise to suggest citizen militia to stop them in war when they infringe on Civil Rights.

  10. Georgia Attacked Russia First. Just take two minutes and do the research. ----Hope my answer made as much sense as your question.

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