
Would you rather have someone...?

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lie to your face when you already know the truth


come clean on their own, even though it will hurt?

And why?




  1. Come clean on their own.  I cannot stand a liar.  

  2. come clean.. the truth will come out eventually and I would be twice as mad 1 for what they did and 2 for lying to me

  3. want that person to come clean and will get over it. liar i don't tolerate and i will forgive but, not to forget. rather be hurt and have that person come clean and hope they will learn and won't do that again if they do than forget it. they wont come clean on there own and they might just lie to you over and over. rather be come clean and they wont  do it again?

  4. Come clean. Everyone wants an honest relationship no matter what they think. Lying to your partner eventually causes heartbreak and a breakup

  5. Tell me the truth, you have to respect them for that, even if you don't like it....

  6. come clean it may hurt but lying hurts worst  

  7. come clean, i can't stand lies. it's more painful for them to be able to lie to me with a straight face.

  8. does it really matter? the fact is that whatever happened...happened. does the person coming clean really make you feel better? chances are it wouldn't and would the lie really hurt you either? if this is about cheating (which is really the only thing worth lying about) then just bring it out in the open and over with. this whole let catch them in a lie thing women try to do is very immature. its like your trying to get more dirt so you can deffinetly win.

    just forgive and forget or dump him.  

  9. come clean even though it will hurt. I always prefer the truth.

    Why would i want someone to lie to my face when i already know the truth, it would just make me want to slap them.

  10. In my opinion, honesty is one of the most important things in a relationship.

    If I knew my husband was lying to me about something, I would want him to come clean to me rather than lie to my face.  Sure, it would hurt to have him say whatever it was he had to say, but I'd respect him more, and be able to trust him more.

    Ugh.  It would be hard though.

  11. Come clean.

    When I lie to someone it's because I don't want to get into trouble and I think that person isn't smart enough to figure out that I'm lying to them, so turn that around.. I also think it shows they aren't willing to take responsibility for themselves and how they affect others.

    Being lied to plants the seed of doubt that will make you question whether anything they say is true, and if you can't trust them, what's the sense in having them around?

  12. Come clean it might hurt but the respect they will have for you will be greater that the hostility they will hold against you is they know your lying.  

  13. no doubt- come clean no matter how much it will hurt. every lie will end up hitting you in the back later in life. just remember to be as nice as you can and follow your heart!

    be the best person you can be and do the right thing!

    goodluck! and god bless you!


  14. Be honest but with love.  I had to put this to the test recently when I unwittingly betrayed a friends confidence (tho not in a big way) and felt the need to fess up about it.  My friend wasn't happy but later respected me for being honest & that cemented our friendship even more.

    Honesty WITH love is the best policy.

  15. I would rather the lie. Sick I know... BUT... the lie makes me think that there is a chance that I am wrong.... and sometimes - that like small seed of doubt is enough to keep faith and love in a relationship in times of trouble.

  16. Come clean on their own, even though it will hurt.

    I value honesty. It's about trust. Can I trust this person? If he lies to me then I cannot trust him. He doesn't have to lie to me. I don't freak out. I'm stable and calm.  

  17. come clean on their own, because if it's going to hurt you anyway, I wouldn't want to be lied to on top of that.  

  18. If I already know the truth, I don't need them to "come clean", I already have all the information I need to make my decision. And if I don't know the truth, it all depends on the situation; there are things I would rather not know.

  19. Come clean on their own.

    At least you know they have honesty inside of them that way.

    Better than nothing.

  20. I would respect them and forgive them easier if they come out with the truth.

  21. I would respect them so much more if they came clean and were honest. That takes alot of balls to do that.

  22. I would rather the truth. The truth is hard for most people to do if they know it will hurt the other person... but anyone can be a lowdown liar

  23. come clean, then I can work with the truth. I hate liars.

  24. i was lied to for years. i left him and he still wont come clean.  i have no respect for him.  i cant stand to be lied to the truth can be painful but it is so much better.

  25. clearly i'd want to be told the truth.

    if someone lied to me, and i KNEW they were lieing to me, i'd be pist off, and never know when i could trust them..

    if they lied, and fessed up to it, yeah it might hurt, but at least they didn't lie to my face.

  26. lie to my face because this way i'll make that person feel bad and then he or she shall tell the truth

  27. Come clean on their own because you know they are sorry.

  28. Honesty is the most attractive thing to me. So choice 2 obviously

  29. come clean on their own even if it hurts. At the time I probably would have prefered the lying but if they would lie to you even if you know the truth then you would always wonder what other things they are lying about. At least if they come clean they are willing to tell you the truth and you can trust them to be honest with you.

  30. come clean.

    its bad enough to know the truth, painful as it is,

    but to have someone try to hide the truth from you, well thats even worse

  31. Come clean. Because I can forgive mistakes but not liars.  

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