
Would you rather have your child watch nudity or extreme violence?

by Guest33404  |  earlier

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dont say neither. just imagine some crazed gunman pointed the gun at ur head and said either nudity or violence




  1. Your question implies that there are no other alternatives. I don't believe it is healthy for a child to be exposed to either one. As a parent it is your responsibility to protect your child from being exposed to a lot of things in life. You've only mentioned two.

  2. who cares..theyll see them both evenntually ne way

  3. Nudity definitely. I'd rather have my child be a nudist than a killer.

  4. I agree with you, even though I'm 15 and won't be having kids for a while.

    The human body is okay, because they have one and they'll get married or have romantic relationships where they'll see the human body anyway.

    But violence isn't okay for children. I saw Sweeney Todd, and my younger brother wanted to see it but I'm glad he didn't. He's 10. He can wait.

  5. Both combined. You wouldn't want him to grow up weak and celibate would you?

  6. I choose neither. That's why I have a DVD player that edits movies, and we don't have cable. If they see it, it won't be from anything I bring to the house.

  7. Extreme violence for sure, not snuff movies though but I mean movies like Rambo First Blood, Live Free or Die Hard etc.

  8. Nudity.  Nudity is natural and a part of everybody's life and the human body is nothing to be ashamed about.  Extreme violence shouldn't be viewed as normal.  OObviously by nudity, I don't mean p**n for young kids!)

  9. That's a stereotype. I've watched plenty of horror movies when I was younger and I'm certainly not violent at all. Just like watching a ton of movies with nudity in it isn't going to turn your child into a nudist. It all depends on how you raise them. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with watching a movie with nudity in it. If it's a graphic s*x scene? Then yeah, I'm gonna shield my children's eyes from it. As for extreme violence? Just like with nudity, I'll most likely cover my kid's eyes if it gets too graphic. So, in essence, I'd rather have them watch a movie with some nudity in it rather then extreme violence.  

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