
Would you rather know how much you've spent on booze...?

by  |  earlier

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or physically see how much booze you have consumed in the last 5 years?




  1. Physically. That'd probably be pretty cool if you put it all in one container.

  2. deffinetly physically see how much i have drank...that would be pretty kick a$$ to have all that alcohol around me at once... would i be able to keep it all after i saw it ...??? i sure as he11 hope soo.....i know i wouldnt be able to consume it i will sell some of it....make a he11 of a lotta $$$$$ ....then i will use that money to buy more booze eventually....

  3. I would want to know how much I have spent.

  4. I would rather know how much booze i drank because i think it maybe a little depressing on the amount of money i pissed away.  No pun intended

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