
Would you rather lead a quiet life or be popular?

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So which type of lifestyle would you rather have when you're off to a university?




  1. I want to be popular!

  2. I used to buy into being popular with lots of friends which you hardly knew. But I find it so much better to know 3 or 4 people very well and feel very comfortable around them, its just my preference. When I went to the University last year, I found it hard, because I didn't want to lead the sort of life where one parties all the time and always spends time with people who you have superficial relationships with. I found it hard to make friends at first, but when I finally found a few friends who I fit well with, I found it well worth it to not sell my values out. Again, just my opinion, but I believe that if you are asking this question, you probably would prefer a quiet life yourself.

  3. God bless it; is it Ground Hog Day again? You asked this 2 days ago, got responses and are now back on this old c**p again? Reported!

  4. Um...this is a resolved question! Why are you asking it again? Surely you have more creativity than this and as I  recall, it's against the rules...

  5. Be whatever you want to be.  This is a stupid question.  It is illogical because it supposes you have to chose between only two things.

  6. I lead a quiet friends all partied up and vied for who was the most popular one...none of them found happiness in the end...I am still leading a quiet life.  I prefer that to being unhappy all the time.

  7. A quiet life. Mind my own business. With a few close friends to enjoy our off time.

  8. I was perfectly happy being by myself in my dorm room.  My first year at school was the best.  Roommate didn't hang around the dorm a lot.  I sat back, relaxed, studied, and enjoyed school.  School wasn't very fun after that.  Ended up 2nd - 4th year with a girl who also wasn't into the party scene too much, yapped like a barking dog, and complained about EVERYTHING.

  9. I rather lead a quiet life. I hate people knowing all my business.

  10. I would like to be quietly popular...............

  11. The purpose of University is to learn. Late night parties, drinking, drugs s*x do not help one learn. After graduation the people who grab the great jobs are the ones who studied

  12. Work hard and play hard...

    Perhaps you can find a happy medium. It's important to keep your priorities in check.

    If you manage to keep good grades and you're doing your work well there's nothing wrong with a little fun!

  13. So are you going to post this again tomorrow because you are devoid of ideas?

    (And are you going to continue to ban me because you can't handle the response?)

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