
Would you rather let your 17 year old have birth control pills or tell her to "just say no"?

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and hope for the best?

I'm not saying a 17 year old can't go to planned parenthood on her own and get what she needed, but what if the household she is in discourages the use of them and would shun and punish her if such pills are discovered? Birth control pills, are like 99.99% effective when taken properly, condoms are like areound 80-90% for typical use.




  1. Your question belongs in the family relations section.

  2. I will encourage my daughter to be in control of her body!!!

  3. How about both?  The "keep your dress tail down" method of birth control has not worked in at least 100 years.

  4. Well unfortunately I will have to make that decision in 11 or 12 more years and believe me it will be here faster than it sounds. It is a hard question I am not against birth control I don't think i would be against that. I would have a problem if she wanted to get an abortion. And I would be deeply hurt if she wanted that but I can handle birth control pills.  

  5. Best option is to make sure you know her boyfriend.  Have several man-to-man talks with him while you're sitting on the back porch sharpening your axe and your Bowie knife.

  6. Oh no, but wait - dont pills kill eggs too? Arent eggs life basically?

    She condemns the use of birth control pills and wants s*x EDUCATION OFF the SCHOOL CURRICULUM.

    Oh thats nice isnt it? Having millions of 15 year olds with babies and contracting STDs - thats very cool.

    Next thing I'll hear that shell want masturbation condemned because it wrongfully kills potential babies.......

    Get real please...(to Palin)

  7. Well her household also condemend s*x before marriage but she did that anyways.  It's always the family's that go over-board with thier preaching that tend to end up having kids who get into trouble.  My daughter will be told not to have s*x until she is married because that's what i believe in (children do as their parents do and not as their parents say) but you can't watch your kids 24/7 and all you can do is hope they have a good head on their shoulders and a parent needs to be the role model.

  8. I'd rather tell her to say no, teach her about birth control, and then be a stay-at-home mom and make it danged hard for them to find time alone and in situations where saying yes would be easy.  I would also fight against my daughter having birth control pills because of the increase of risk from cancers.  Condoms can be 97% effective if you make sure you do them right, as low as 88%.  Birth control pills are 92-97% effective.  In other words, not much better.  And birth control pills lose effectiveness over time, which you usually don't find out about until you get pregnant while ON the pill.  Condoms, if anything, go up with effectiveness as you use them more since you learn better methods of using them.

  9. both

  10. Both.

  11. abstinence is 100% i realize that when she goes to school the liberals that are in charge will play up the fact that having s*x is going to happen so you might as well just get birth control, but i can tell you that it is not impossible to go with out s*x my wife and i were both virgins when we got married, and no i am not old i am in my late 30's and no she did not lie about her past and i do not lie about mine  

  12. There's also the patch that some girls flash when they are interested in some guy, monthy shots, monthly pills, and a half dozen other ways to prevent pregnancy.

  13. Birth control pills do not stop disease.

    I think those are very personal decisions. I would not begin to guess which best fits each person or situation.

  14. I would encourage any teen to take birth control pills considering what happens these days.

    always try to be safe

          J J

  15. I tell my girls to just say no! But I know what they are up to and I know the parents of who they hang with and were all together on this thing...after college, they can do as they like.

  16. Anyone who remembers what being a teenager was like will remember that you can't tell a teenager what to do. You can advise them, but they'll do what they want, and chances are that will include s*x. Saying "abstinence or parenthood" is like saying "you can have your tooth punched out by a man in an alley, or you can have a toothache" - rather a blunt instrument.

  17. I would let her have the pills and tell her to hide them if it is such a big deal. Why is this in the elections category....

  18. Why are we discussing birth control  when we should be discussing politics.......McCain 2008

  19. You seem too immature to even discuss this matter.  

  20. Knowledge is power.

  21. Birth Control pills fo sho!!!

  22. If we could chop up bush, cheney, rove and mccain into little pieces, we could supply all of america's women with a lifetime supply of "pills".

  23. I would never get my daughter birth control. When I was 17 I wasn't allowed to go off and do my own thing. My life was work, school and sports. There wasn't time for much else and my parents were pretty strict with where I went. They had always been like this. There are 13 year olds in my neighborhood who are out until midnight and look like they are 21. Why??!! If they were raised in homes where they had less freedom then it wouldn't be an issue. This being said, it does question my opinion of Palin but I also think very highly of McCain and I will still vote for him.

    I agree that kids do as their parents do. My parents never drank alcohol so I never have either. My college friends drank like fish and then when their parents came to campus to visit, drank with them!! It's about setting an example from a young age.

  24. Hard to say. I mean, teens are going to have s*x, regardless of what you tell them. But, if you give them birth control, its like saying go have s*x, and it's okay not to use condoms. At some point, you just have to trust your children to make the right decisions. You can't force a young adult to do anything that they don't want to. Palin's daughter is 17, it's not like she is 13 or 14. If she was anything like I was when I was 17, you can't tell her anything.  

  25. 17 years of ingraining morals into your kids should work better than any birth control.

    Palin seems to have failed however.

  26. You people that are saying you taught your kids the right way and all that c**p are in for such a shock one day. Do you remember being a teenager at all? I smiled in my parents faces and they believed I was an innocent little flower for years after I was having s*x. I said yes mother when told to say no...but I said yes baby when it came time to say no. My parents never suspected me of ever doing anything wrong. I laugh while I tell them these days and they are constantly shocked.

    I have a daughter and I plan to put her on birth control whenever I suspect her of having s*x. It's not giving permission. It's being realistic and smart. I would be the one raising her baby while she finishes school. No thank you. I would also buy her condoms because birth control does not protect from STDs. Hopefully I have raised my child to be smart enough to realize that already by that time. I also like to hope she is smart enough not be sleeping with a different guy every week.

    I suppose it could depend on your childs peronality and maturity level also. Every child is different.

  27. my dream would be for her to say no but it's life and it's never perfect! so if she was to be having s*x i rather her be on the pill then to see my baby with a baby.

  28. Interesting -did Palin just say No?

    She would bash any other girl I am sure -as Republicans have -except for their own of coarse.

  29. I wouldn't TELL her to say no.

    I would try to teach her about life, men and relationships so she would CHOOSE to say no.

  30. Pills are fine for responsible folk, I think youngsters should be put on the shot so that they only have to go 4 times a yr and there's no pills to be discovered.  Just say no, does not always work when some guys don't take no for an answer.  Take care.

  31. Abstinence works EVERY time it is tried. Besides, this is a family matter and should have no effect on the candidates abilities to do the job.In fact, if this were Obama or Biden, we would be told how unimportant this really is as an issue.

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