
Would you rather live in a hot country or a cold country?

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  1. Definately cold, i hate the heat

  2. medium no higher than 80- 85 when its hot out

  3. hot country.

  4. cold, because if everyone lived in a cold world it wold be great!

  5. i think cold


  7. well i live in a cold country at the mo! here in england we hardly ever see summer so I'd say a hot country. i love seeing a clear blue sky and don't mind if it's roasting hot. if it got unbearable i'd run into the sea!

  8. i think i would be happier in a hot country, as long as i had all the home comforts and money to live there.

    but i love the cold aswell!  i dont really mind which i ended up with!

  9. Cold country because I would not have to pay $300 - $400 a month on electricity. On winter I only pay $60 - $65 a month on electricity and thats much better. Having heat where I am is free.

  10. A cold country - and that's just as well because I DO live in one.

    I have annoyingly sensitive skin and the sun brings me out in blotches (nice!). If you are cold you can wear more but if you are hot there is only so much you can take off.

  11. I like to experience all the seasons pretty balanced, but if I had to pick one or the other, I'd go with cold, because it's easier to escape.  You can always add more layers and snuggle up indoors.  Plus I have so many happy memories of snow and fireplaces and hot cocoa!

  12. Its got to be somewhere SCORCHIO for me

    The Canary Islands or maybe a Greek island

  13. Hot, because i like the sun and feel 100 times happier in it.

  14. I would rather live in sub-tropical country because it is not too hot and not too cold...when it is not too cold or too hot, you can enjoy your activities without you have to worry about whether you will get cold or heat...

  15. hmmm, an in betweeny country, haha. i think a cold country.. depending on how cold it was lol.  :)

  16. Cold --you can always put a jumper on.

  17. HOT! for sure because you'd save ssssssssoooo much money on power bills

  18. I rather live ina cold country by FAR. Thats why there's heaters and jackets n' stuff. I don't like heat!

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