
Would you rather live in the US or UK?

by Guest58619  |  earlier

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UK-remember: they drive on the opposite side of the road ya know!




  1. Good question. Many factors would have to be taken into consideration, but for me, a goo indicator would be the Human Development Index ratings. These ratings show life satisfaction and measures of life expectancy, literacy, education, and GDP per capita for countries worldwide. Although the USA and the UK are very close to one another on the index table, USA is slightly higher, showing on general, people in the USA are happier and have more life satisfaction.

    But its hard to actually say for me, without first visiting America. But if I was lead by statistics and findings, I would choose USA just slightly.

  2. Despite the US having the better of many things, I value the warmth and sense of humour of the British people more than cheaper fuel. So, for me: the UK.

  3. Having visited friends in America I can quite confidently say that it's still the UK for me...and we actually drive on the correct side of the road.  That fact goes back hundreds of years, for information as to why we do then see this link...

  4. US!!!!!!!!!!!!


  5. US - particularly the states of California, Arizona, Nevada, Texas, Sonora, New Mexico and Utah. They have better weather, less crowded, cheaper food and petrol and LOADS of s**y blonde-haired women, and crime rates DO exist but the police do something about it. In the UK, the weather is always damp and cloudy and when it IS hot its unbearable, the humidity is heavy and impossible to sleep at night as it is ridiculously expensive to buy air-conditioners, petrol prices are ridiculously high, everything is high-taxed and there are some s**y blonde women in the UK but not to the level as in the US, and the crime rate is I'd say higher than in the US because of the pubs and clubs, and there is less deterrant i.e. the police are not even equipped with a gun in the UK!

  6. i live in the USA babe!!! :-)

  7. Both countries have their pros and cons. I was born in the UK but live in the US, and I think my choice would be to live in the US.

    However, there are probably far more areas in the US that I wouldn't want to live in that in the UK.

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