
Would you rather live in the last Ice Age, or current global warming?

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Personally, I much prefer the warmer climate. I do not think I would flourish under a mile sheet of ice, but that is just me. I like the beach to much.

I have provided a website regarding the last Ice Age (16,000 years ago). I will point out that, IMO, this is not a biased web site one way or the other. It is stating what is know, and offers some thoughts about the unknown.




  1. i personal would had an other ice age because "we" are the cause of "global warming" it would just heat up the world again

    but really i would want and ice age because we have already survived like three really and we have more stuff the help us get through it. you see we have the ability to adapt.!!

  2. We couldn't physically survive in the ice age, so I don't think there really is an option here is you take the question literally...

  3. Totally prefer the warmer climate

  4. The world is controlled by God. He knows everything that will happen. For you to beleive in Global Warming you don't trust God. Also i would just like to say you are a liberal.

  5. I would rather live in the current Global warming, at least if now we get another ice age our chances of survival are way greater than they were back then living in caves, today we have under ground shelters, and tons of food stock, hopefully it never comes to that, but if it does I think we would be a bit more prepared.

  6. I'll choose the warm weather.  I live on a lake and love swimming and sun bathing.

  7. A naturally warming world is not a problem, but we are not seeing a natural warming world, it's induced by human activity.  In a natural climate change induced by gradual natural changes, ecosystems can compensate. To nature what is happening is sudden change and natural processes can't cope with the changes that fast.  We have to stop causing the damage we are doing before it's too late.  It's not just saving a few polar bears and penguins, human habitation on the planet depends on the health of those natural ecosystems.  Of course modern humans can't compensate for a quickly changing climate either.

  8. one would hope those are not the only 2 choices.

    it is true that there are quite a lot of folks who can only handle 2 choices.

    are you one of them?

    maybe a more temperate climate, such as has existed for most of the 20th century would be good.

    that's the climate that the 6 1/2 billion folks alive today have come to depend on.

    either significantly warmer, or cooler, would likely be very disruptive to society.

    and that's putting mildly.

    btw, that's a very nice site.  thanks.

    however, it would seem that quite a lot of folks who deny, or question AGW, seem to think that people who agree with the IPCC either have never heard of ice ages, don't believe they occurred, or don't understand them.

    you'll excuse me, but we do know about them, and many, if not most, understand why they occur, and why they end.

    what we don't understand is why some folks seem to think that there can not be more than one single cause for planet heating.

    it's like, if you got sick, from eating bad food, then every time you get sick, you must have eaten bad food.

    that's not how it is.

    either with food, or with climate.

    Edit:  <<Yes these are the only 2 choices. Would you rather live in todays climate, or the climate 16,000 years ago?>>

    yeah, i thought that 2 was probably the limit of your capacity.

    fortunately most of us have wider horizons.

    were i to pick either one, you'd say that's what i wanted.

    and it's not.

    the good news is that there are choices that are better than either of the ones you presented.

  9. I would choose the current climate.

  10. I'm thinking I would rather live in an ice age.

    Imagine Canada, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, New York, Massachusetts, Michigan, Oregon, and Washington all under miles of thick cold ice.

    Ted Kennedy would be irrelevant, and Mary Jo would be enjoying her grandchildren.

  11. id rather freeze then melt.

  12. Boy they really have all you kiddies convinced don't they? Far beyond that fact that it definitely exists, you're sure it exists "currently" as dramatic as the last ice age. Good Lord, the tiny snapshot of history you allow yourself to be framed it.

  13. a very interesting easily understood link! good to see someone presenting actual scientific evidence of naturally occurring global warming that still continues today.

    of course you will be attacked by the AGW cult believers for presenting irrefutable evidence of extreme global warming that happened before any possible human intervention!

  14. Who says Global warming is 100% real and can accurately prove it, without a doubt in mind?

    My point exactly.

    Edit: Hm, either way... I don't think humans would be able to cope in the ice age, we're too used to the  warming since'd be like living h**l. I'd rather stay where I am, thank you very much.

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