
Would you rather lose your legs? or suicide?

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If you had to choose between losing your legs or suicide, which one would it be and why.

I would choose suicide because it would be too much of a shock for me.




  1. Losing my legs. That way I can still live. And I get a wheelchair. WEEE!

  2. the way I'm feeling now.........suicide

  3. woah definetly losing the legs.  you'd be fine without legs, you'd have a wheelchair...

  4. I'd rather lose my legs, and hope for android legs!

  5. Suicide. I've lived with my legs all my life, and if they go down, so will I.

  6. i`d rather loose my legs. It`s an easy choice. I`d make it my goal to get the coolest bionic legs available.  

  7. Legs

    Suicide is just wrong, I would always challenge life back, rather than give in

  8. I hope no soldiers returning from the war read your stupid question.  Walter Reed and Betheda Naval Hospital are full of amputees that push to go on everyday without ever once thinking of suicide.  What an idiot you are.

  9. loose legs. i can live with prosthetic legs

  10. losing a leg...i just thought that suicide is a very coward way to escape life.

  11. i would choose my legs because i am strong enough to handle that and i would still live my full life that i was mean't to.

  12. you have too much time on your hands people who commit suicide are chickens and are running away from there problems and just are to scared of what the future will bring and what ever happens happens and what every you lose you lose people end up coping with amputations every day

  13. loosing legs becuz u could still live but it owuld be harder

  14. legs, without a doubt

  15. losing your legs would be so much better cus you would still be living

  16. i would choose the legs... that way i could ride around in one of those old people scooters... thats always been a dream of mine.

  17. I would loose my legs i knew this person that had a 100cc engine on a wheelchair i would get 1 of those

  18. suicide is never an option, it's a cop out.

  19. legs sucicide is for CHICKENS hegh

  20. i would rather lose my legs, cus i still have so much of my life left :]

    im no where near ready to die :]

    losing my legs would just be an obstical

    it would be hard, but i would do my best to be happy :]]]]

  21. loose a leg

  22. You know, this question is a little insensitive to people who have actually lost their legs...

  23. i would chose suicide cause i dont want to leave anymore

  24. I'd probably suicide because you'll think that you have no meaning in life anymore, but really u should live, you nvr know maybe someone is willing to give you their legs in surgery. but i would choose suicide too because i'm way too scared of surgery (i'm evern too scared to put eyedrops in my eyes when they turn red) lol

  25. legs

    there's plenty to do in life without legs.  

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