
Would you rather our tax dollars be spent on fireworks and expensive props ?

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to make our leader look like God or for them to be spent as they are intended to, to help the American people?




  1. Fireworks & a greek temple!  A big show!  I wasn't impressed.

  2. Palin is being coached by Bush aides to look like a VP ... Fireworks are cheaper.

  3. I would spend the money on jailing all the crooks in government .  

  4. you must be posting this after watching that BORING A$$ repub convention last night.

    lol. yeah I was terrible.  

  5. Obama is not god. He is a joke.

  6. you mean like obamas greek god stage and all that money he spent setting all that up?

  7. Unlike McCain, Barack Obama is attempting to reach out to MANY types of Americans - not just aging, caucasian, ultra-conservatives. To younger generations, fireworks shows and that sort of thing is what is going to hold their attention. I'm not saying that is a GOOD thing, but.. it is what it is. Times are changing. Even the toys at the toy stores, nobody wants the ones that just sit there and don't DO anything. People now want toys that DO SOMETHING. That might be a terrible analogy, but I think the Democratic National Convention was fantastic, and I believe it would have been that way even without the fireworks. The price of a few fireworks and some confetti will be nothing compared to the amount of money we will be shoveling out to less than worthy causes if McCain wins this election. Not all republicans are bad, and not all democrats are good (and vice versa), but in this election, especially when considering the last 8 years in America, Obama is clearly the best choice.

  8. I don't Republicans have any credibility over wasting money. You guys are the king of pork and the kings of deficits.

  9. I really am not sure but I think the money that pays for the party's convention.. is funded by the party itself... not the government (aka tax money).  

  10. at least the dems have people of color at there convention and dont come off as n**i's.  Yes fireworks are ok, pretty cool I thought.

  11. I don't think the political parties or their conventions are funded by tax payers so this question is irrelivant.

  12. It's only our tax dollars until we pay them to the government then they are no longer ours and no longer tax dollars.  It becomes the money the government uses for pay checks, bills and anything else THEY choose to spend it on.  How would you like it for the company you work for tell you how to spend your money?

    To answer your question, I don't care what the government spends their money on.  I may or may not like it but it's none of my business.

  13. The conventions are paid for by corporate donations, not taxpayer dollars.  What a moron.

  14. Why would our tax dollars be spent on fireworks or props?  If you're referring to the Democratic Convention, that is not paid for by taxpayers.

    And seriously, you think God needs fireworks and expensive props?  

  15. It should be used to help the American People.


    the Obama supporters wouldnt know that they were being helped if it slapped them in the face.

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