
Would you rather pay more for dining out or leave a decent tip?

by  |  earlier

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I asked a question about tipping, and one of the answers was that tipping a server is optional, and the problem is not with bad tippers, but with bad pay practice for restaurants. Do people not understand how much a meal would cost in a nice restaurant if the servers had a decent base pay? There would be no incentive to provide good service, and the payroll at the restaurant would go through the roof. The more servers there are on the dining floor, the better the service will be (in theory). The really good servers who care about customers would demand such a high salary that many small restaurants would not be able to pay them for their services. Add to this the fact that if you receive bad service, it would make no difference to the server, because they are getting paid anyway. The cost of a meal would probably double, if not triple, and only the wealthy would be able to afford a nice meal.

OK, I'll get off my soapbox, but I would like to know what others think about this.




  1. I don't mind paying more for a meal if it means a server gets a decent wage.  I also don't mind leaving a decent tip for good service it's proper etiquette.  This idea cost of meals would skyrocket it servers were paid what they deserve is a crock.  As a former resident of Alaska servers were paid about $8.00 or more an hr plus tips.  The prices for meals at restaurants there are comparable to the lower 48.  The restaurant industry would also have better servers and a lower turnover of employees if this was done.  I am a server and a d**n good one.  Most days are good days but every once and awhile some aren't.  But when you live in a backwards town like Cheyenne, WY where quite a few people think 10% tips are fine it's not cool. Some lawmakers tried to pass an increase of wages from 2.13 to 4.00 an hr for WY the restaurant industry cried foul. So the legislation failed.  That's were everyone should concentrate their complaints to.  I'm not pointing out anyone here specifically but it disgusts me when people here on this site slam the servers tell them to shut up and get a better job. They don't realize some servers do this kind of work to get through college and support thier families so they can get a better job.

  2. I would rather tip good and pay less for the meal. I am a server. If servers were paid more by the hour, and didn't have to rely on tips, service would suck. I hate the thought of having crappy service.

    However, last night I kinda wish I was paid more by the hour and didn't have to worry about my service. I had one of those rutt nights which ended with a $15 tip on a $200 tab. There's just those certain type of people who will run you to death, complain about anything they can trying to get whatever they can (for free), and be rude as h**l without any class (even though they try to carry themselves with class), yet you have to be professional and tend to them like you're going to get a good tip out of all the headache. Yeah right.

    Okay, I kinda got off in my own world. I just wish all people would tip properly, understand the purpose of tipping, and educate themselves about it. There's a lot of people I've come across who don't think they should tip. It's c**p. But whatever. They just have no consideration to the people or the society we live in.

  3. i just leave my $2 tip

  4. The thing that I see wrong with your theory is this. If the servers were getting paid better they still would have to care about good service. If they were getting paid more and providng bad service then people would stop coming into that restuarant. If the restaurant doesnt have any business they cant pay for the servers so it would close.

    Tips should be based on service and not just expected. To give the best answer to your question I would rather leave a decent tip as long as the service was good.

  5. I absolutely agree! If all servers had a base pay, which should be about $10-$15 hourly since tips would be taken away, we'd have to be compensated for our work. I certainly would not work for minimum wage and no tips serving tables, not worth it!!! Meals would be much more expensive, and service would be so-so.

  6. I believe in giving servers good tips...if they were a good server.  For the most part my friends that are servers make great money with I think the way it is is fine.

  7. I would rather pay less for the meal, have good service, and leave a good tip.

  8. The original idea of tipping eminated from the quality of service received. If someone did niceYou acknowledged it by leaving a token of your appreciation. As time has gone on, tipping has become an expected event whether you were pleased  with the service or not. Today, if we are not pleased we leave less than the expected minimum and if the service stinks, we leave nothing!! Maybe this will get their attention !! If it is in a place we frequent, rest assured the management will hear about it and so will the wait staff.

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