
Would you rather risk it or not?

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would you rather stay friends with someone special to you or would you want to go out with them and risk the friendship? This is a hard one for me so I need help to figure out which one to do.




  1. If you want to go out with someone then do it. But if your friend does breakup with you then apologize and stay friends with them.

  2. Depends. If you think the friendship is strong enough, then go for it. If it does not work out, things will be weird. If the friendship is strong enough, it will survive. If the friendship is not as strong as you would like, then just leave things be. I would also really ask yourself if your feelings for this friend go beyond friendship. I can tell you this, i had strong feelings for a friend, but never said anything. Now she is married and i really regret biting my tongue. Better that I said something when i thought I should have, because now i will never know what could have been.

  3. yo i would stay as friends trust me yo me and my ex o had to brake up with her and she like thinks im an ****** she called me a user and other things for no reason... i just backed away havnt talked to her in a while

    edit:we actually had much more fun when we werent going out because when we did we just madeout and stuff

  4. I would like to risk it and double the rewards..

  5. I would risk it.  Who knows what could happen? Your friend might say yes!  I know plenty of couples who were friends, dated, then broke up and stayed friends.  In fact, it just makes you closer to them if you think about it.  If your friend doesn't like you back, it happens.  There are plenty of other people out there!

  6. risk it.

  7. Me being safe think you shouldn't risk it, but ask her if she likes you and tell her you like her, don't go out yet wait a while. I D K wht I'm talking ABOUT.

  8. stay friends dude...............

  9. Ask yourself what if you didn't ask this person to go out?  Would you regret it?  If you were to answer yes, then if i were you I would rather risk it than regret it my whole life.  Good Luck!

  10. he was my friend until we fell for each other.had we remained as friends we would be friends forever.didn't work out for might get turned down.lose your friend forever.

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