
Would you rather rule in h**l or serve in Heaven?

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Let's just say that you encountered the Devil. For whatever reason, he decided your a special mission of his. He wants to turn you evil because you possess a particular trait that he would find desirable in a leader. The Devil offers you the chance to be one of the Overlords of h**l, with millions or even billions of minions under your command (evil people that died, and are now demons). You need to sell your soul to him, and deliverer a message to the world that will throw it into disorder. The Devil refers to this as the Tides of Darkness, and it must be you to usher in this new era of worldwide evil. Your reward will make you a dark celebrity in this life, and a powerful leader in h**l when you die.

God would be happy with you for turning down the Devil's offer, but could not guarantee that you'd have the same status and power in Heaven. God explains that good is not motivated by selfishness, and also assures you that the Devil is offering you a straight-forward and truthful deal with no tricks. Would you do it? An eternity of power in h**l, or just another angel in Heaven?




  1. Devil Schmevil.

    I'd lead the minions back Home where the only actual Power exists.  

  2. HEAVEN!  

  3. HEAVEN!

  4. Think of the fun you would have to Rule h**l !!!

  5. rule in h**l of course!

  6. Heaven of course! HOW DARE YOU ASK THAT QUESTION?

  7. Most people would say the proper thing, that they would choose to be another angel in Heaven. But most of them would secretly rather rule h**l for all eternity.

    I'll skip all that and say h**l.

  8. the devil and his minions would s***w you over in the end and besides if heaven has servants then it would just be a better atmosphere

  9. i'd rather be another angel in heaven. sorry but i know too many goods folks up there to become an overlord of evil. plus what if you aren't naturally evil? you become evil and in your loved ones eyes you are a pain to see. Could you live without ever being cared for unconditionally? as an overlord people will oblige to care for you but they won't do it because they love you. which is why i choose heaven. love is one of the greatest miracles to ever bless mankind.

  10. Heaven,of course.h**l is so hot!Heaven is paradise.

  11. Neither

  12. I will take Heaven any day, and in any form. I would be there to serve the Lord, and no matter what, I know that I would be loved. I could never want power when I know that I will be burning in h**l.

  13. I shall say rule in h**l. I don't really dig the whole "angel in heaven" thing.

  14. As Whoopi sang in Sister Act...

    Nothing you can say will take me away from my God.... Who is in...

    You got it.

  15. h**l please.

  16. rule in h**l, im not gonna be anyones ***** boy especially god, hes a d**k

  17. Serve in heaven, definitely!

    Ruling all those lost souls would just be a sad, sad, life after death.

  18. To rule in h**l or serve in heaven is a metaphor like many biblical and time crafted oral and written traditions. I would say it speaks to a manner of our human being. To serve in h**l and rule in heaven. It has been suggested that life will be easier and more succesful the less we think of ourselves.

    We can understand this logically in that a greddy selfish man will meet many troubles and have difficulty forming positive human relationships. In a general sense we will be more succeful in whatever social structure we are in if we cooperate and serve our fellows. Not always true and crooks and other things for sure. But in general this may be a better tactic and certainly the tactic favored by christianity and suggested in this fable.

    Think of those crooks, now and again maybe they pull one over but to some other social structure they respect some members and have loyalty and service to a certain sub society or tribe. And also thier apparent success may not be real success. Sure gained much wealth by being selfish but poor personal life etc.

    So to reign in h**l as a spoiled brat, egotistical, no one really likes you, not even your wife, they're afraid or want money, the shallow meaningless existence or something.

    Or to serve in heaven. To work hard to earn your bread, to survive and do what must be done in service as we most all must live anyway as workers. Better to accept or be happy than always feel like you deserve more and be as i said spoiled. Also to serve other humans and think of them first so that they will respect you and find worth in you, hopefully appreciate and love. Not that it is brought per se. But everyone loves a winner and someone who's doing for them or at least looking out for them.  

  19. Heaven, I don't like warm weather and I like God.

  20. Eternity of power in h**l. I mean c'mon millions of undead soldiers wootz! Sorry it sounds more fun and promising. I hear the health benefits are better too.

  21. I'd have to be in Heaven. I don't want to sell my soul.

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