
Would you rather see taxes raised on the wealthy, or have the middle class erased?

by Guest44797  |  earlier

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What would be fair to you in this equation?




  1. Stupid question. You obviously have no grasp on economics.

  2. Tax those on incomes above 300,00 pa via taxation on their luxry consumption.

    This is the only equitable way of taxing thse who are not simply exceptionally hard workers, but the truly exceptionally wealthy with their trusts, funds, chairites and all manner oif tax avoidance.

    Also those loopholes have massive amounts of lobby pressure to remain open- these scams will always be available to wealthy misers who feel they somehow do not a debt of gratitude to the society from whence they obtained their wealth.

    They can't avoid consuming- therefore tax them on that ie Rolls Royces, Yachts, houses in certain post coddes (such as Malibu, parts of Conn.,  Nantucket etc), caviar, Louis Roederer le Crystal, diamond earings, whatever!

  3. I don't see it as an either or situation.


  4. I'd rather just see a healthy middle class and a fair tax on everyone. You need both, or at least a healthy middle class, anyway. I'm still a little torn on the concept of taxes, to be honest.

  5. That depends on how you dfine wealthy, 20k a year is considered rich by some. Marxisim always destroys the middle class. Leaving the Marxists with money and everyone else poor.

  6. Aren't the wealthy paying less taxes now under Bush?

    What about those permanent tax cuts.

    Seems to me the wealthy could afford to pay a bit more.The middle class has been in decline for some time has it not, looks like they're already being erased

  7. Here's something to consider... The ranks of the military are growing AND the ranks of the poor are fairly stable. Where do you think the NEW wealthy are coming from? Obviously, the middle class. So, in one respect, you are correct, the middle class is getting smaller. But it's hardly a bad thing, is it?

    Anyway, leave the wealthy alone. They are already giving almost half their income to the government right now. Just how much would be enough in your mind?

    Edit: To John B... I notice your comment about taxing "luxuries." The problem with that suggestion is that the common man, i.e., people like you and me, has to build those luxuries. You tax specific consumer items of the rich, and they buy less of those items. That means the companies that build those items have to lay off, again, people like you and me. See that's the problem with class envy. It's the rich that create a market for things WE do AND they give jobs to people like us. Never saw a poor man give anyone a job, have you?

  8. I say raise taxes on the extremely wealthy. They can afford much more than we can,.

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