
Would you rather support aerial wolf hunting, or late term abortion?

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If you have issue with the former and not the latter there is something seriouslly wrong with you.

** and for all of you that support LTA "to save the womans life"...the baby has to be birthed one way or another...the question is alive or dead?




  1. I have no problem hunting aerial wolves.  They are far too dangerous to let live.  

    Abortion is murder unless it is self-defense.  Late-term abortion is always murder.

  2. Neither.

  3. Where do I board the helicopter?

    McCain Palin in 08 and send the skinny kid back to Chicago

  4. I support a woman's right to do whatever they want to the d**n fetus until the umbilical cord is snipped off.

  5. If only the choices were that simple.

    Late term abortions are really rare and are usually only performed as an emergency procedure to save the mother's life.

    Again, extremely rare.

    Aerial hunting of wolves as a management tool, maybe.

    As a method of exterminating them or as a sport using state funding to finance it, maybe not.

  6. I don't like the choices!  The first one is just stupid killing fun for repressed men and the second is murder in the first degree!  (Liberal here)  

  7. Good point, brace yourself for a slew of answers from abortions that should have taken place.

  8. N.O.N.E.

  9. This video about Sarah Palin says it all.....

    Check it out!

  10. wolf hunting.

  11. Aerial wolf hunting by far. Late term abortion is disgusting.  

  12. I love animals but i do not believe in abortion. If I had no choice I would support the wolf hunting...Abortion is murder too, but its murdering BABIES!!! Helloooooooo

  13. I support individuals personal rights. You know, like that Constitution brings up that people continue to ignore...

  14. I'll chose women's rights every time.

  15. Wow, let's compare two completely different issues that have absolutely nothing to do with each other just to make a political statement which hopes to do nothing more than shove our beliefs down other people's throats. Good job!  

  16. i dont support the decesion to send 4,000+ mean and women to die for exoon like ur candidate does

  17. Something is wrong with YOU people who want to protect what is essentially a soft boiled egg, but don't give a c**p about the living.

    God is the biggest abortionist of all.

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